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Find your dream job in seconds

Artificial Intelligence

OmniJobs speeds up your job search. We analyse and categorise job ads with AI so that everyone can find matching positions regardless of their location or profession. Currently we list over +180K open jobs from +15K companies globally.

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My partner was looking for a new job but finding a match was super difficult. Not all jobs are posted on LinkedIn, most job boards don't update closed positions, and the ones that work well have a paywall to see all the content. So I put my developer skills in use and scraped the application tracking systems of 15K companies to scrape a total of half million jobs since starting. To allow my partner to browse the jobs, I made a nice UI for filtering the relevant positions. Now after few months my website has almost 200,000 open jobs from all professions and industries; its not just remote work or software development, but for all knowledge workers. I wanted to share this project here as I hope someone else finds my my project useful, and maybe even a new job! :)

Comment highlights

Congratulations on the launch. I'm checking it out now. You, yourself wouldn't be in need of a proven Virtual Assistant or Customer Service Superhero for OmniJobs, now would you? I have tons of experience and references! I thought maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask. :)

Oh interesting, I literally just heard this idea in a call the other day so fun to see here.

OmniJobs is a fantastic app for job seekers! Its AI-powered analysis and categorization make finding matching positions fast and easy, regardless of location or profession. It's an invaluable tool for anyone on the job hunt. Highly recommend!

Congrats on the launch! How does OmniJobs expedite the job search process for users?

Congratulations on the launch! There are many job-related software on today's Product Hunt leaderboard. Wishing everyone a successful job search.

OmniJobs looks awesome, love the UX! I actually run the biggest coding jobs board, Do you have any socials? Would love see if we can partner in any way!

Congratulation on the launch, upvoted : ) . I like this platform, just a suggestion, it'll be awesome if you can also provide some sort of roadmap or material to prepare for that job. Best of luck for your journey !!

Lots of people face difficulties when finding job, your product will help them finding dream job more easily! Btw, how could this collect so many jobs? It's amazing!! Good luck on launch🎉

Exciting launch! OmniJobs sounds like a game-changer for job seekers, leveraging AI to streamline the search process. With 180K+ open positions from 15K+ companies worldwide, it seems like a powerful tool for finding your perfect fit!

Very good product which can help many job seekers around the world 🌍 Congratulations on the launch 🎉

Wish you good luck with the launch. In the labour market are many people searching for some solid job. Hope that you will fill up this need with your web. :)