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OG Image Generator

Open Graph & Twitter image templates for Next.js

Design Tools
Social Media

Stand out on social media with our customizable open graph & twitter image templates for Next.js. One payment gets you the Typescript source to generate endless stylish previews for your site.

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Hi Product Hunt! As an marketing agency founder that does many SEO audits, I notice most websites have a generic OG image and Twitter image set. But even if there is one, it's usually the same image copy pasted across every single page on your site 🥱 But did you know Next.js supports creating OG images on the fly? You could have a unique image for every page: 🗒️ Show the title of your blog post 📈 Include a chart with the latest numbers 📸 Take a screenshot of your new landing page ⭐ And more - Imagine the possibilities But it takes a lot of effort to figure out the code to create these. Competitors will cost you $49 up to $149 PER MONTH 🤮 So, using my own development skills, I decided to help other developers and marketers like me to get there faster, at just a tiny fraction of the price. It's kind of like Tailwind UI or Shadcn UI components but for Vercel/OG images. 😎 Pretty cool, right? Get the full kit, and you'll get updates for life. Then just copy and paste the code into Next.js or use one of the plugins or integrations to stand out on social media right away.

Comment highlights

Congratulations on the launch! This a great tool for social media marketing and SEO. Thanks team

Wow, this looks amazing! People don't always realize how important good pictures are, but they can really make a big difference. You did a great job!

Performance: With a small amount of code needed to generate images, can be started almost instantly. This allows the image generation process to be fast and recognized by tools like the