I help your BNB guests, check-in & out, find things in your house and provide real-time recommendations. This is the first tool we built in a suite of tools that will help you manage your short-term rental autonomously without human intervention.
🐷 Hey, I am Hamoun - people call me Ham for short. 🐷
// A little about me //
I am a Techstars alumni and have been building stuff for the past nine years and I can say this is my most exciting launch yet, so I hope you stick around. In the past, I have worked with open data, smart home/buildings, IOT and even helped build an autonomous trash bin collecting robot at one point. 🗑️
💡 // Ah-Ha Moment // 💡
I recently bought a small vacation home in beautiful Pringle Bay, South Africa and wanted to completely automate the entire BNB process. I did what any smart home nerd like me would do and fit the place with smart door locks, lights, security systems, a robot vacuum and a smart HVAC system.
When it came to putting it up, I realized that with the tools available to me today, it was impossible to actually have a fully autonomous & self-catering unit. Especially if my wife and I planned to take trips abroad, we would constantly be worried about guests not getting answers to their questions while we were away. So I actually built the very first version of Oam AI for myself. Turns out, others find it cool too!
// How It works //
Oam AI is super easy to use. There are two interfaces for Oam AI , one being the host/property manager side where you can create a new property and add some basic info. The real magic happens when you upload your property knowledge base. You can include docs, excel files and PDFs. You want to be as thorough as possible here but don't worry, you can come back and update at any time. These documents are where Oam AI gets its info, and uses that info to speak directly to guests. The more Oam AI knows, the less you need to intervene.
The second interface is even more intuitive. I wanted to have a "no app" approach for the guests side to remove any friction with interfacing with Oam AI. All guests have to do is initiate a conversation with Oam AI with your properties 16-digit password. This "password" is unique to your property and allows Oam AI to pull the info associated to it. From there, your guests can engage with Oam AI right away. Whether is asking about check-in details, how to get to the property or even where the can opener is (my favourite).
// Conclusion //
Look Oam AI is still early and I appreciate your support early on. There are so many ways that Oam AI can grow and I already have a massive list of features and functions in the pipeline. I want to get Oam AI to a point where it could have a virtual fist fight with Hal9000 and win.
Eventually Oam AI will be able to do a lot more, including issuing smart door lock access codes that are time bound! But first I need to make this version of Oam AI perfect. That means a lot more listening (to yous), a lot more coding and a lot of welcomed sleepless nights kicking butt. I ultimately hope that at the end of the day, Oam AI brings a little bit of delight to your guests experience. That's how its going to be from the start - comments, feedback and ideas are worth gold and my inbox is open at anytime to anyone. Reach out at [email protected]
💸 // Oam AI Is free for your first property // 💸
Oam AI is free for your first month, after that its $5 per month. For those of you managing more than 1 property, we offer an OAM AI premium tier, which is billed at $4 per month! Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions about our billing!
// Join Oam AI //
We are looking for all talent to help us build and scale Oam AI further. That includes more devs, designers, partners (investors cough cough) and any other adjacent talent that fits in! Please reach out to me, we don't have a lot of money at the moment but we have equity to give. [email protected]
It's like having a super-smart assistant that helps make the best decisions. Product is really interesting!! Curious to know, how does OAM.AI handle seasonal fluctuations in guest bookings? Are there any features that help BnB owners prepare for peak and off-peak seasons?
Congrats on the launch, Ham! 🎉 Oam AI sounds like a revolutionary solution for fully automating vacation rentals. Excited to see how it enhances the guest experience! 🚀 #OamAI
Congratulations on the launch! No more late hours answering guest's questions!! Love this product and what this means for str pms!
Congratulations on the launch of OAM AI! Can you share more insights on the upcoming features you plan to add to the platform?
Nice idea, I have a rental property on AirBnb. The thing is that they mostly ask for early check-in and late check out. I cannot let an AI answer that cuz I need to contact my cleaning lady if she can go clean up early or take less time to clean up and I also need to check with the current guest if they are leaving early.
Congrats on the launch Ham!! This looks awesome for managing the AirBnBs. As a guest, I like that I don't have to feel like I'm bugging the Host with a myriad of questions or wait on a response. This is a game changer!!
Hey @oam_founder - Congrats on the launch! I'll be watching progress with interest! We launched www.askdigsby.com a couple of years back with a similar idea. People without STRs thought it sounded great, people with STRs couldn't really see a need (as ABNB has an automated reply function anyway). Your solution looks better and leveraging documents (instead of hosts filling in a questionnaire) looks good. We used Facebook Messenger for the guest communication which is potentially more friction!
We had many plans (like aggregating local recommendations from hosts to cross suggest tourist attractions to guests) - hit me up if you want to chat!
Good luck!
Great job on the launch, @oam_founder! How do you ensure Oam AI stays updated with the latest property details and guest preferences?
Love the idea, it could make the traveler experience soooo smooth ! Imagine asking about some nearby facilities (ok, I arrive at 2 AM, could I ....?), experience or anything else. Cool idea, good luck!
Save hours of answering repetitive questions just for $5. Great product, congrats!
Oh la la, this one sounds promising! Good job Hamoun! One of the most tiring parts of running short term rentals is having to communicate, especially when at work. So this can be a great help! All the best 💪
OAM AI sounds like a fantastic solution for short-term rentals! It would be amazing to have a helpful resource available to guests anytime, and as a host, it would free up a lot of time
Finally, some help for short-term rental hosts! Sounds like a lifesaver for managing guest communication and those repetitive tasks.