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Social Media

the most social network

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ah, i see... rebooted as myspace+twitter for gen z! That's one way to gracefully jettison web3 dependency!

Comment highlights

Noplace is designed to be user-friendly, with a straightforward sign-up process and an easy-to-navigate interface.

it's a nice break from the current social media landscape. Giving early Twitter meets Tumblr vibes without images

it's a nice break from the current social media landscape. Giving early Twitter meets Tumblr vibes without images.

Safety plays a huge role for such social apps, but the focus on safety through identity verification is crucial and is showing a very well approach. Kudos!

I'm eager to see how this platform supports diverse interests and fosters authentic engagement.

Hoping this platform delivers on its promise to recreate the pre-algorithm era of the internet.

please integrate with, I don't want to build another proprietary social graph

It's refreshing to see a new platform focusing on rekindling the magic of early internet culture.

I'm genuinely intrigued by the idea of a platform that values user experience over commercial interests.

I'm thrilled to discover a platform promising to revive that spirit. Here's hoping for a return to shared passions.

The combination of MySpace and Twitter for Gen Z sounds like a refreshing take on social media. It's intriguing to witness a platform aiming to recreate the pre-algorithm internet experience. Looking forward to exploring noplace and finding my community there! Congratulations to the team for the successful launch!