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Non Dumb Emails

Generate email sequence to onboard new users

Email Marketing
Marketing automation

Engage new users to use your product and pay for premium plans with an email sequence generated with this tool. It's a great starting point if you don't have any email campaign yet.

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Hey hunters 👋 My name is Arthur and this is my first publication. I want to start my journey in this community with a free tool for email marketing. Builders have a million tasks to do when developing products, and usually email marketing is not a priority. I believe that's a mistake. Emails based on user behavior can really boost product metrics. To help a little in this direction, I've released a tool where you can generate a sequence of emails to onboard new users. You only need to provide your website and then the generator will create a sequence of emails especially for your product. I hope this tool will be a good starting point for projects that don't have email campaigns yet 🚀 Thank you for reading up to this point. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! UPDATE: Hunters, I screwed up on the first launch 😅 Function for generating data did not work for some users. Sorry, I fixed it, the app should work better now.

Comment highlights

Just used this for You're so right that it's something we forget as builders. But it's so important. Thanks for building this!

This tool seems like a practical solution for getting email sequences up and running. Just a note some elements on the website didn’t load correctly for me. Aside from that, great job!

I suggest including templates for different industries. Tailoring email sequences specifically for e-commerce, SaaS, etc., would be great

It's a solid approach to Generating email sequences automatically to engaging new users. One small suggestion may be helpful for you offer templates for different types of products to make it even more versatile.

This tool sounds like a perfect solution for startups and small teams. Automated email sequences can really help with user engagement

The idea of automating onboarding emails is pretty useful. It might be helpful to add features for customizing sequences based on user behavior or engagement.

I've already tried it with . Just by entering the URL, NDE automatically generated a series of emails covering everything from user registration to follow-up days later. I'm more than willing to pay for this tool! It's such a great tool, and it only has around 80 votes. Let's all show some support!

Hello, this tool looks like a great way to kick off email campaigns for new users. Generating a sequence for free is a nice touch, especially for those just starting out.

im a bit wary of how well this tool can handle diverse onboarding needs. Will the email sequenes really be effective for all kinds of users? Looking forward to seeing some results.

Hey @kiv1n Non Dumb Emails is a tool that helps you create effective email campaigns to attract new customers and encourage them to upgrade to paid plans. It's perfect if you're just starting out and don't have any email marketing experience.

Super simple and quick. I like it. 💜 Congratulations on your first lunch, All the best.

🥳 Huge congrats on the launch! Your dedication is truly inspiring. 🌟 I'll use it and look forward to discovering all its amazing features. Best of luck with your new venture! 🚀 @kiv1n

This sounds like it would be super-useful! What data have you trained the AI on to generate compelling email copy that gets opens and gets people to take action?

Great product Arthur! As a developer, email marketing isn't my forte so this will be definitely helpful. Congrats on the launch!

@kiv1n This is really great. It would be great to be able to edit the output directly, so I can share the updated texts with colleagues. I saw that you will be offering an autopilot feature in the future. Will you offer an API to add users to a list after they have registered (on our site) and then the sequence will start or how will it work? Congrats on the launch 🚀