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What is your movie of the year?


The easiest way to track the movies you've seen, and select your movie of the year.

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Hello Hunters, Since it's the Oscars today, thought it would be the perfect day to launch MOTY. I'm a big movie fan, and love going to the cinema, but always found it hard to track the movies I've seen and rank to pick my movie of year, so I built it! What was your favorite movie of 2023? And so far in 2024?

Comment highlights

The timing is great, congratulations! Does it sort out categories for each movie type?

This idea is amazing. I can see there (on PH) many products that are about solving problems (which is good) but sometimes I lack something for entertainment. And you brought it to the table. As a movie lover, this is TOP for me. 🙌 P. S.: Have seen Aquaman. 🔱 It was fine and this Monday I will go watch Duna 2 with a friend. So let's see if I like it more than the first part. 😃