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Build any internal AI tool in 5 minutes

Artificial Intelligence

Time is money. Why waste it on tedious and repetitive tasks? With MindPal, in just 5 minutes, you can build custom AI tools that automate anything, freeing your team to focus on what truly matters. A fast track to superior efficiency.

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Hey Product Hunt Community👋 I'm thrilled to introduce the latest version of MindPal, our game-changing AI tool that's about to revolutionize the way you work! As the founder, I have poured my heart and soul into creating a solution that allows you to build any internal AI tool - in the form of AI Agents or a multi-agent workflow - in just 5 minutes. Yes, you heard that right - 5 minutes! 🤯 Here's what you can build on MindPal: - AI Agents: Our smart AI agents are fully customizable, trained on your specific knowledge sources, and connected with your tools. They're like having a team of expert consultants at your fingertips 24/7! - Multi-agent Workflows: Need to tackle complex tasks? Our multi-agent workflows allow different AI agents to collaborate, ensuring top-notch results. With our AI Agents and Multi-agent Workflows, you have the power to automate thousands of tasks. From content repurposing to sales proposals, market research to social media content - MindPal's got you covered! Real-world impact? One of our users generated 782 blog posts in a single night - that's content for 2-3 years! We're already seeing amazing results across various industries. For example, one of our customer in healthcare reported saving thousands of hours and seeing clear impacts on their output and bottom line within just a few months of adopting MindPal. Ready to supercharge your productivity? Give MindPal a spin! Can't wait to hear your thoughts and feedback. Let's change the future of work together! 🌟

Comment highlights

Hey @maiquangtuan How can MindPal transform your productivity by enabling you to build custom AI tools in just 5 minutes, automating tedious and repetitive tasks to let your team focus on what truly matters and achieve superior efficiency?

Looks really nice, and will especially help with automating all those annoying tedious tasks. Especially for one-man-business as mine. Great product, great launch 🙏

As a product manager, I recently tried MindPal, and this product is incredibly cool! Here’s my experience: In our team, we often need to handle large amounts of market research data and user feedback. With MindPal, I can upload various file formats (PDF, Excel, etc.) and create specialized AI assistants. These assistants quickly extract and summarize key information, generate concise reports, and provide real-time answers when needed. This saves us significant time and improves the accuracy and efficiency of data analysis. The best part is that these AI assistants can work together to complete complex workflows, making the entire process smoother. I particularly love this product because it makes our work much easier and more efficient. Compared to other AI workflow products, MindPal stands out with its powerful integration capabilities and ease of use. The whole process, from file upload and data processing to AI assistant creation and management, is very intuitive and convenient. Plus, I can connect these AI assistants directly to my Notion, achieving a more seamless workflow. I highly recommend it to all professionals looking to boost their productivity!

MindPal’s intuitive design ensures that even those with limited technical knowledge can create and deploy custom AI tools. The drag-and-drop functionality and pre-built templates simplify the building process.

Hi team! Your app looks super helpful. I've got a question -- can your app search or scrape any specific web address? If so, I'd love to give it a try.

Love the idea = how it can facilitate and streamline my workflow faster and efficiently Love the team = Tuan,Tham, Hami they are very innovative, service excellence, deliver their promise Keep on moving forward .. Good luck guys.

Congratulations on the launch! The idea of having AI agents trained on particular information sources and connected to existing technologies is what is making me love it :)

Congrats! I just tried out the platform and was really impressed by the UI design. It's a very practical tool, and I will definitely recommend it to my team!

Amazing job Mai! Being able to build an AI tool is actually impressive. Glad to see you on that and wish you all the best on this launch. Congrats mate!!

I have used the (from @mindpal_space ) and the main builder "Mindpal" multiple times and it helped me so much with the stuff I do... Great logic, great platform!

Totally agree. A phenomenal product just wish the onboarding could be a bit smoother? Is there anything docs on rate limit?

Just upvoted you guys, honestly great product I will take my time and check it even further. Honor to launch this day together with you guys!

Hi Mai Quang Tuan, MindPal sounds like a revolutionary tool! Automating tasks in just 5 minutes is impressive. How customizable are the AI agents for different industries?

@maiquangtuan Great job on MindPal! One suggestion for improvement would be to include a library of pre-built templates for common automation tasks. This could help users get started even faster and provide inspiration for creating their own custom AI tools.