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Launch and get feedback on both the idea and product

Developer Tools
Maker Tools

A modern launch platform for early products: get feedback, traction and first customers over a month. Both ideas and product are scored separately. Your products get eventually roasted or boosted.

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Hey guys 👋 I'm happy to launch MicroLaunch: a modern product launch platform designed for product makers. You launch tech products, get feedback, and first customers over a month. Both ideas and products are scored separately. 1. You connect🌐 2. Vote for your preferred products 3. Publish feedback💌, or roast products😈 4. Collect points you can use to boost content⚡ Microlaunch is also a community of tech enthusiasts: a great way to discover hidden products and get invaluable advice from other product makers. Product makers: - Get feedback - Testimonials & roasts🔥 - Visibility & a nice backlink👨🏻‍💻 Contributors on the other hand spot hidden gems and get showcased✨ Everyone ranks for glory & prizes! The platform is totally free, with no ads. I hope you'll enjoy it, let me know what you think. Cheers! Saïd.

Comment highlights

Love the idea, could definitely use something like this soon! Going to check it out right now 👍

So it’s basically product hunt but you can star and idea and product? Congrats on the launch nice design

Awesome! Also launching a product on a product launching platform is just at its finest 👌

This is such a great product for the community for us builders to get a space to launch! Wishing you all power and success! I can totally see my product going here as well!

It's looking simple and eye catching, I love it! I Already submitted my newest SaaS ⚡

I saw your post on Twitter, so I had to come and support. You have a good product. Will be good for my next product.

@said_aitmbarek : really cool product and super helpful for so many entrepreneurs across to save time and effort on getting feedback on their products quickly. Congratulations on the launch!