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Log Cabin

Start tracking your experiences

Quantified Self
Statistical Analysis

Log Cabin is an app that allows you to keep logs of anything that interests you (restaurants, movies, workouts, etc.), and then gain insights into those logs through statistical analysis.

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I’m excited to launch Log Cabin on Product Hunt! This app was born from my desire to keep track of all the different energy drinks I’ve tried and restaurants I’ve visited. I love diving into the details of my experiences and spotting trends I would not have noticed without having a detailed history and statistics always available to me. With Log Cabin, you too can easily log your interests and gain insights about your own activities. I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to ask any questions or share your feedback!

Comment highlights

Great work! This app is going to help so many people better understand their habits. Thanks for sharing this with us.

the design and the simple way to log things is amazing . the flexibility to create categories for anything makes this app stand out.

this seems like a great tool for those who love documenting and analyzing their daily activities. I could see myself using this to track books I’ve read and seeing in trends in genres

I love how you can log all your favorite spots and track the trends over time! It's like personal data collection, but fun. Wondering, though, can you add photos or notes to each entry? Would be super useful when remembering specific details. Anyway, great job with the launch, Jake!

Log Cabin sounds like a versatile tool for tracking anything from restaurants to workouts. The added feature of gaining insights through statistical analysis makes it even more useful for staying organized and understanding patterns in your activities!

Congrats to the Log Cabin team on the launch! This sounds like a great tool for tracking personal interests and getting valuable insights. Are there any features for visualizing the data or trends from the logs?

Log Cabin sounds like a fun way to track all those small, memorable details of life. Just checked it out briefly, but looks pretty handy. Congrats on the launch!

Hey Jake, I'm wondering about data privacy. How is user information protected, especially for potentially sensitive logs? Are there plans to implement any social features, like sharing insights or comparing logs with friends? Congrats on the launch!

I can relate to the need of numbering and tracking lots of things in our lives. That's a cool website. Good job!

@jake_griesmaier , congrats on the launch, what are your plans for monetisations and also do see this being useful for B2B.

Congrats on the launch! It's a really handy tool! But I wonder if you consider launching it in the App Store or Google Play?

Log Cabin is perfect for those who love tracking their experiences. From movies to workouts, the added layer of statistical analysis gives meaningful insights into your everyday activities. A great way to turn logs into knowledge!

Log Cabin sounds like an app that will allow you to log anything and everything. Love your color @jake_griesmaier

Awesome launch, @jake_griesmaier! Log Cabin sounds like a fantastic tool for anyone who loves analyzing their habits and experiences. The ability to log energy drinks and restaurants is super unique and useful. I'm curious, can users also track other categories like books or movies? How customizable is the logging experience? Looking forward to diving into the app!

Congrats @jake_griesmaier The analytics part is especially intriguing – I’m curious to see what insights I can get from my logs. Great work!

Congrats on the launch, @jake_griesmaier! Log Cabin sounds like a fantastic tool for anyone looking to track their experiences in detail. I’m curious about the types of analytics you plan to offer—will users be able to create custom reports, or is it more standardized? Also, is there a freemium model for new users, or can we expect a trial period to explore premium features? Excited to see where this project goes!

Congrats @jake_griesmaier on launching Log Cabin! This app sounds like a fantastic tool for anyone who loves to keep track of their activities and dive deep into personal data. The ability to log various interests and then analyze them for insights is incredibly appealing. It's great to see a product that combines the fun of tracking with the practicality of statistical analysis. Looking forward to trying it out and seeing what trends I can uncover in my own activities!