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Live Video Agent from Fluidworks

For Personalized Sales demos and Onboarding calls

Customer Communication
Artificial Intelligence
Virtual Assistants

Elevate your sales demo with our live video AI agent! It conducts live video calls, delivers personalized demos, and guides prospects seamlessly. Enhance your strategy with real-time engagement and dynamic presentations. Embrace the future of sales today!

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👋 Hey Product Hunt community! We’re excited to introduce Fluidworks, a groundbreaking Live Video Agent designed to revolutionize the sales process. Imagine an AI agent that can do everything an SDR can do on Zoom or Meet, but with even more efficiency and personalization. 🤖✨ 🚀 What can Fluidworks do? 🔹 Live Demos: Our agent can log into your product and give live demos just like a human. 💻🎥 🔹 Personalized Interactions: It tailors the demo based on the prospect's profile, their questions, and can even adjust the data sets shown during the demo. 👥🎯 💡 Why did we build Fluidworks? After over a decade of building and exiting three startups, we've consistently found that scaling a sales team is one of the toughest challenges. It requires a disciplined, iterative approach that’s hard to maintain. With Fluidworks, we aimed to create an infinite sales team for startups looking to scale their business. 🌟📈 🌟 Early Customer Love Though we're just getting started, our initial customers are thrilled with the results. We’re using our own agent to onboard new users and demonstrate its capabilities. ❤️👏 🤝 Give Fluidworks a try! Experience our AI Agent here 👉 We’re eager to hear your feedback. Check out our agent in action and see how it can transform your sales process. Let's build the future of sales together! 🚀🤝 Best, Jos - Team Fluidworks

Comment highlights

Amazing Product, 1st Personalized Video Prospecting and After booking meeting now you can Attend meetings as well with AI Video Agent

Great Stuff Guys! All the best to the team behind Fluidworks! Looks like a great time and cost efficient tool for SaaS teams! :))

Congrats! The idea of automating demos while still keeping them personalised is amazing🙌🏻

I found the demo call agent very effective in explaining the software’s benefits. It addressed all my queries and provided detailed insights into how the product can solve my business problems.

I love the personalized experience Fluidworks offers. The demos are tailored to my specific needs, making them more relevant and engaging.

I appreciate the scalability of Fluidworks. It allows us to handle more demos without increasing our sales team, which is ideal for growing our business.

I found the onboarding process with Fluidworks to be very efficient. The AI agent covered all the features in detail, making it easy for me to get up to speed with the software.

Congrats! It's very interesting for me. How does Fluidworks ensure the AI agent can deliver personalized interactions based on a prospect's profile?

Congratulations on your launch! AI agent is the now and the future. Great features!

@jos_k really interesting product. I am going to dig a little deeper into this - curious what the cost threshold looks like for SaaS builders (presume that is the target market)

I love how Fluidworks optimizes focus for our sales team. By handling routine demos, our team can concentrate on more complex deals and high-value clients.

I appreciate how Fluidworks’ AI agent can join discovery calls and understand my needs and pain points. It provided a thorough understanding of how the product could benefit my business.

I found the personalized demos very helpful. Fluidworks tailored the content to my specific needs, making the presentation more relevant and impactful.

I appreciate the consistent information provided by Fluidworks. Every demo delivers the same high-quality details, ensuring I have all the information I need.

I found the Q&A sessions during the demo very engaging. Fluidworks’ AI agent answered my questions in real-time, making the interaction feel personalized and dynamic.

Huge congratulations to Fluidworks on the launch of Live Video Agent! This innovative product is set to transform how businesses engage with their customers in real-time. Exciting times ahead!

Well done, Fluidworks, on the launch of Live Video Agent! Your solution promises to elevate customer service experiences with real-time video interactions. Looking forward to seeing its impact unfold!