Hi there! I'm Patrick, the creator of LemonSpeak.🍋🥳🎙️
Why do I spend time building LemonSpeak?
I love podcasts and saw that indie podcasts have a hard time getting discovered. So I wanted to create a tool that would streamline content creation for them, which in turn would help them get discovered and increase visibility. This includes transcripts, show notes, blog posts, tweets, quotes, chapters, summaries, Q&A + polls, and episode titles.
In addition, I've seen that novice podcasters sometimes need help with the audio itself, so LemonSpeak provides metrics on audio quality, speaker pacing, and lets you know if there are a lot of interruptions.
How to use it ...
The process requires as little user interaction as possible. Just upload, specify a few settings, and go. No additional prompts to take up a user's time again, and most of them need to be tweaked anyway.
I see LemonSpeak as a huge time saver for podcasters and I usually tell my customers that LemonSpeak will get you 95% of the way there. Ideally, you see it as a very good employee or agent producing content, but you want to add one or two things. That's how I think LemonSpeak should be used.
Congratulations, Patrick! I have friends who might find your product really valuable. I'll update you on their user journey. All the best!
Congrats on the launch! How user-friendly is LemonSpeak for podcasters with minimal technical expertise?
The automated features and marketing capabilities are incredibly valuable. This tool is sure to enhance productivity and discoverability for podcasters!!
Congratulations on the launch! Thank you for developing an excellent product for podcast creators.
There are some features that I didn't quite understand. Will it automatically insert fixed content into the podcast, or can it be converted into a blog?
Are the improvement suggestions for the entire podcast generated by AI?
I hope more podcast creators can use your product to accelerate the production efficiency of high-quality content.
Amazing work on this product! The idea is very engaging. What's next on your roadmap for features or milestones? Keep going strong!
"Create once. Distribute forever."
Love to see this! Re-purposing and re-distributing content is underrated.
Beautiful website, by the way.
cc @thecoolestcool @thatbberg
As a content creator ... literally anything that makes that process easier is a game change to me, and this one is WAY high on the list! Really amazing job on this, team 👏👏👏
LemonSpeak's ability to generate blog posts and tweets from episodes sounds incredibly useful for increasing podcast visibility. Well done, Patrick, and congrats on the launch!
Oh this is fab! And love that you started by helping the indie podcaster! Congratulations on the launch (sharing with my indie podcaster network now! Hehe 😉)
Hey Patrick! Thank you for addressing the challenges that indie podcasters may face, like content creation or audio quality improvement. I particularly liked the features such as metrics on audio quality, speaker pacing and that LemonSpeak generates a whole article about an episode to post. Kudos to you for creating such a helpful tool! P.S. Loved that you included the number of podcasters using your product to the website's copy.
Good job Patrick!!
Actually I'm creating a similar tool but focused on blogs repurposing.
And I'm happy to meet LemonSpeak. Your product is incredibly good, far away good than my product.
So salute to you~
Congrats on launch🎉
Hey @patrick_mueller1 congrats on the launch! 🥳
What could be the USP of your product which makes it different from another??
keep going.
Is it something that repurposes the long-form to short-form? If yes, extra points for you! 😁👍👍