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Layman Law

Cut through the legal B.S and save thousands of dollars

Artificial Intelligence

Layman Law is a *legal ai that simplifies legal language*, so you can go from clueless to genius in minutes and quickly understand legal documents without spending thousands on legal fees. So you can sign with confidence, every time.

Top comment

Thanks for hunting @thisiskp_! Hey PH! When I first started this back in 2022 - I was getting bombarded with complicated legal documents and I wanted to figure something out that would help me alleviate the burden of paying expensive legal fees - I’m happy to say, I think Layman solves that. I’ve even used it to sign contracts in Japan! What Layman can do: - Confusing legal jargon? Layman Law converts it into simple, digestible terms for you. - Confusing clauses in documents? Use the reader to highlight and instantly receive clear explanations of whatever line you're stuck on. - Stumped by questions while reviewing PDFs? Upload them on Layman Law and get instant answers. - Need it for something online? Install Layman Law in your browser to expedite your way to the end with ease. And all these benefits for less than the cost of a dinner with friends! Please check it out and share any feedback that you have. Thnxs!

Comment highlights

Hey PH fam👋 Stoked to bring this nifty little AI tool to all of you. @matthew_lock is a prolific builder and founder who built Layman Law so you can get instant simple explanations for complex legal language. Check it out & share your feedback /questions below ⬇️

Love this. So practical and easy to use. Such a time saver, and helps give me peace of mind to understand what I'm signing (or shouldn't be signing).

Layman Law seems like an incredible resource! Legal knowledge simplified for everyone – this could be a game-changer for those seeking legal insights without the jargon.

I love the concept of Layman Law! Empowering people with legal knowledge in a simple and approachable manner is a step towards a more informed society.

Hooray! Celebrating the launch of Layman Law with joy and excitement. Well deserved!

Love this idea! So much room to disrupt the legal space with AI and this is a great approach. Really excited for where you can potentially take this as it grows

I was actually thinking about something like this in regard to TOS and contracts. Glad to know Layman Law is a thing. Congrats on the launch! 🚀

This is a great idea. I've always disliked how our Terms & Privacy pages are extremely hard for our users/members to understand, but from our perspective we need to write it a certain way. I think a cool application of your product is for businesses like ours (consumer subscription service for ADHD coaching) to layer it on to areas we have the "legal jargon" and members can toggle between the two. That would be very ADHD friendly as well!

This is so useful and needed, especially for people like me who just run away from all those privacy and intellectual property stuff. Especially love the name haha,

Simplifying legal language and helping to save money on legal fees is exactly what people need.