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Convert Reddit traffic into customers

Social Media

KeyMentions tracks your brand and keywords and notifies you when an active discussion is taking place. Make sure you engage with Reddit discussions that are going viral, for maximum reach potential, and start leveraging Reddit traffic today!

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Hello Product Hunt Community! 👋 I’m excited to introduce KeyMentions – the most advanced Reddit monitoring tool. Stop wasting time on manual searches. KeyMentions tracks your brand and keywords and notifies you at the exact moment a relevant discussion is taking place. Key features: Set your preferred keywords in seconds and monitor everything from Reddit brand mentions to competitors with AI. Get notified as discussions are happening in real-time. Auto-generate a subtle promotional comment. Send to auto-publish or reply yourself. Start receiving instant and relevant traffic to your business offering. Learn more about us at Join us, and convert Reddit traffic into customers. 🚀

Comment highlights

congratulations on the launch folks, I think you can leverage this tool to build community.

Congrats on the launch! @michalhajtas as someone already mentioned in the comment section below, a filter for self promotion would be amazing. Overall very cool idea though!

Congrats on the launch! I've been using Reddit to promote my SaaS tools and the strategy works great. It's an untapped acquisition channel even now. I'll be switching over to your tool since it is exactly what I needed to automate the whole process 🙌

Great idea Michal. everyone who want to do redit commenting should have this one. However i did't get verification email on my inbox since user need verify their account before set alert

congratulations on the launch of the most advanced Reddit monitoring tool. This will really make it easier to discuss, because keywords can help the discussion!!!!

I came across this tool randomly and it's honestly a game-changer for anyone looking to tap into Reddit traffic Skip the hassle of monitoring threads manually, just get notified when your brand or specific keywords are mentioned, other tools like Brand24 and Mention offer similar services but they don't seem to have the same efficiency Founder's got a great track record in tech and you can feel that expertise shining through this product Would definitely recommend giving it a shot if you wanna stay on top of viral discussions

Calling all brand owners, this tool might sound like a godsend, but do we really need more automated posts cluttering Reddit, isn't real human interaction better than auto-generated comments, and won't users catch on to such tactics real quick, gotta think twice before diving in

Hey there, while tracking mentions on Reddit can be useful, isn't there a risk of coming off as spammy with auto-generated comments, also how does it handle sensitive or negative mentions, curious to know if there's a way to refine the AI to avoid potential backlash, integrating some sentiment analysis could help maybe?

This is actually awesome! All my marketing so far is from reddit and you highlited a problem I actually have but didn't realise! I would check reddit every now and then to see if there's a post related to the productivity app niche but sometimes I'd find out too late. Once the comments fill up you have little chance of having people see your comment

Looks nice! Parasite SEO via Reddit is very effective strategy after the latest Google updates. And your tool makes marketing on Reddit way easier. Will definitely try it for my projects.

Found this through a random search and gotta say, not really sure how I feel about it, feels a bit creepy honestly, getting notified about people talking and then swooping in sounds kinda spammy, but maybe that's just me, good luck though

I get why you'd want to track what's going on with your brand but honestly sounds kinda creepy and desperate to jump into every convo, wouldn't it be better to just create stuff people actually talk about without you having to nudge your way in, just a thought

Love how this focus on a big, but somewhat niche market! Great potential for generating some great organic traffic and leads. Would be awesome to support monitoring and filtering relevant posts and keywords in X, LinkedIn. Congrats on launching this product @michalhajtas!

That looks INSAAAANE! Super-cool idea. Wow. I'll definitely test it @michalhajtas Congratulations on the launch 🚀

This looks promising. However, I wanted to point out that your web app needs a few adjustments in terms of mobile responsiveness. I faced some overflow issues while on my phone and navigating using the hamburger menu. Goodluck mate!

Hey this tool looks super useful for anyone wanting to tap into Reddit traffic, the idea of getting notified about active discussions is pretty smart and it'll definitely help brands stay on top of trends, nice job by the founder on this one!