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Jovu by Amplication

The only production-ready AI-powered code generation

Software Engineering
Developer Tools
Artificial Intelligence

Jovu: the only AI platform turning ideas into production-ready code in 4 mins. Automate your backend applications development, ensuring consistency, predictability, and adherence to the highest standards with code that’s built to scale.

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Hello Product Hunters! 👋 I’m Yuval, founder of Amplication, and today I'm thrilled to introduce you to Jovu, your new assistant for backend development, powered by Amplication code generation engine. With the rise of generative AI, expectations for rapid and reliable code generation have skyrocketed. However, transforming these AI-driven prototypes into production-ready applications remains a challenge- until now. Jovu is more than just an AI chatbot; it's a sophisticated, context-aware assistant revolutionizing backend service development. By integrating with Amplication's platform, Jovu ensures the code you generate meets the highest reliability standards and offers expert design advice. 🚀 Key Benefits: ✅ Rapid Development: Go from concept to production-ready code in minutes. ✅ Smart Code Generation: Jovu can create complete backend services, including data models, APIs, and infrastructure code that are consistent and predictable. ✅ Seamless Integration: Integrates with various technologies for enhanced security, complete deployment, state-of-the-art service communication, caching, and more. ✅ 360° AI Experience: Jovu can cooperate with existing AI tools, like GitHub Copilot, to assist in generating the code also for your business logic Jovu handles everything from creating services to suggesting the best architecture for your projects. For instance, ask Jovu to build an API for hotel chain management or an event-driven microservices architecture with Kafka and Redis and see what happens. 👉 Check out Jovu on Amplication and see how it can streamline your backend development process. The amazing Amplication team and I are excited to hear your feedback and answer any questions you might have! Thank you for checking us out, and happy hunting!

Comment highlights

dude... i just marvel at this and how far we've come. super cool watching you work and launch! a huge congratulations on this, and excited for what's to come!

I want my application to be exclusive for my company, how can I protect my right ?

@yuval_hazaz, it's incredible! It saved my time and created a prod-ready code fast!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what's next. Well done!

This is super cool! I’m tired of ChatGPT generating inconsistent code every time. It’s just impractical at scale. I tried Amplication + Jovu today and the result is impressive. This seems promising for our enterprise’s needs.

Congrats on the launch @yuval_hazaz , I manage a tech company and we use AI to accelerate many tasks in development. What language stack do yo support currently? Can i give a backend framework and ask it to build an API service end to end? Noted Jovu for future try !

This is a very interesting tool. It seems like it can give almost anyone the ability to create the tool they want to build. I like the idea of it making development much easier and faster. For those who want to create their own startups, this can save weeks of time and they can focus more on the features and products rather than the skeleton and starting off the code.

Great job on launching Jovu! How does the AI platform ensure scalability of the code? Are there any notable features that set it apart from other code automation tools?

Awesome stuff, congrats team!! I mean, Amplication was already super fast. Now with this addition, I can't imagine how will that be 😄

Does this work with aws lambda services and python per chance? (Quick exit route🙊)

Great job @yuval_hazaz and team Amplication in accelerating backend software development and letting developers focus on high value work vs tactical stuff...

Jovu is an excellent addition to Amplication. I love the rapid development & code generation that comes with it. Makes my job a lot easier! ⚡🔥 Quick Question: How does the Jovu cooperate with Github Copilot?(360° AI Experience) Do I need to set this up?

I'll be honest, I almost always find that chatGPT is wrong re: code generation. So I'm VERY excited to see something that's made specifically for this, and that will actually help with code rather than cause an argument with a robot. Amazing work!

Congrats on this very interesting product and launch! How does Jovu make sure that the code it produces is flexible and future-proof given the speed at which technology is developing, particularly in light of changing industry standards and new technologies?

Congrats on this very interesting product and launch! What are the main limitations?