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Streamline your Stripe invoicing


⏰ Tired of dealing with clients asking "where is my invoice?" or "could you update the address on my invoice?" πŸš€ Invoicr solves this problem. Simply connect your Stripe Account, and get your Invoicr Link, enabling your clients to get their invoices directly.

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πŸ‘‹ Hey ProductHunt, I'm Mark! πŸ’‘ This product was born out of my own frustration, I would constantly get messages from clients on one of my SaaS products asking "Could you edit the invoice?" or "Where can I get my invoice?". A huge waste of time having to deal with those requests. πŸš€ Thus, Invoicr was born. A self-serve solution where users can auto-generate and edit their invoices in case there is a typo or an issue with it. 🚨 Safe and reliable, all you need to do is sign up, connect your Stripe account, and you'll get an Invoicr link that you can share with your customers so they can get their invoices on their own.

Comment highlights

Impressive solution @pr4w Streamlining Stripe invoicing is a must, and your tool seems to hit the mark. Excited to see how it resolves the headache of constant client inquiries about invoices. How customizable are the Invoicr links for clients? Can businesses add branding or personalize the invoicing experience for their clients? Looking forward to exploring this innovative solution further!

This could be good for those who don't want to implement by themselves. However, searched with restricted key throws error, no results and asks to refresh the page (nothing chnages by doing that). It might be because of permissions; I only gave read permission to invoices; either way, you should explain which basic permissions your app needs in order to work. And here comes my suggestion: take some time to add a bit of clear documentation, and most of all add Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as of at time of trying this your ToS link is just a hashtag same-page anchor and I see no Privacy Policy either. You're asking for sensible data and you should definitely and clearly communicate what how you gonna use them, before hand.

Invoicr is game-changer! No more back-and-forth with clients about invoices or address updates. Congratulations on the launch ! πŸš€

I am sure I saw a video on YT recently (by Marc Lou) about a similar one. I liked it both on the video and on your launch!

Congratulations ! Noting this for the future. I really like the launch and simplicity.