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AI distractions blocker for focused work

Health & Fitness

Intentional is an app that allows you to set goals for your browsing session, it then blocks you from accessing websites that are irrelevant to your goals.

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Hey amazing people, Like everyone that works on the internet, I get distracted a lot. I set my mind up to do something and then find myself doing something doing or browsing something totally irrelevant. I've tried to think of a solution for this, this is where intentional came to be. I hope you like it ;)

Comment highlights

@samy_rahim although I missed this on launch day it looks like a really stellar product that might actually help people with their linear focus that can be a huge value add in a world full of task switching at scale.

Congrats on the launch, Samy. Good luck! Intentional will be a great tool to eliminate those distractions. Can't wait to try it.

Your tool is excellent! Very powerful and very great idea Samy! Good luck for the launch!

I can see Intentional being incredibly useful not just for work, but also for maintaining focus during study sessions. Any plans to expand its capabilities beyond web browsing?

It’s amazing for someone like me who procrastinates because it helps me start focusing on my goals.

I was literaly doing some other work when I got distracted and decided to login into PH then saw this. I like the simple ideology behind the product and it is presented. Never tried similar products on desktop. Looks good to me :)

Hey 👋 First off, hats off to the makers for bringing Intentional to life! Just used it today, and I must say it's like a digital chaperone for the easily distracted (yes, that's me). While we love the tempting pool of endless information online, it's nice to have something preventing us from diving into deep ends of unnecessary websites when we're trying to work. Kudos to the team for creating our very own AI life guard! Keep up the 'intentional' work, guys!

Congratulations on launching Intentional on Product Hunt! 🚀 I completely relate to getting distracted online, and your solution sounds like exactly what we need. It's great to see tools that help us stay focused and intentional with our time. Wishing you all the best with this launch and looking forward to trying it out!

Setting goals and blocking irrelevant sites can really boost productivity. Kudos, Samy!

I LOVE this app! For people with ADHD who are easily distracted (me!), this is a game-changer. Is it available as an app? My kids need this too, to keep them on-task. If the AI gets it wrong, can you unlock something in the flow?

This looks great!! What are the use cases would love to know the examples you guys have

Yo, that's kind of sick. Use AI to fight back. Will try it out! I think it would be cool to let the tool learn what content is under a certain category. For example, AI is such a big topic. Some ideas could be remotely related to AI, and it would be good to allow certain websites. Congrats on launching this great product though @samy_rahim !