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Inbox Zero AI

Apple engineer redesigns email

Artificial Intelligence

Apple Engineer Shayan Arman redesigns Email with a new way to manage your inbox.

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Email hasn't changed much since the 90s. Current Email Clients are super complicated with a simple timeline of emails coming in. Using AI to: 1) show you only what's important! 2) Easily manage the emails

Comment highlights

Huuuge, congrats on your launch guys!🔥Your solution sounds amazing, can't wait to see how it revolutionizes email management!

love the leaderboard feature on your site! Q: Can you only filter by sender? Congratulations on the Launch!

Redesigning email with AI technology is an exciting prospect. I'm curious to see how Inbox Zero AI's approach to prioritizing and organizing messages will improve my productivity and email management. If it lives up to the hype, this could be a must-have tool for anyone struggling with an overflowing inbox.

Great idea! How does Inbox Zero AI differentiate itself from other email management tools?

I liked the app, however, why is pricing not mentioned transparently on the site? It only shows up once you signup and give all the permissions to access the emails?

I went through the site, while everything written makes sense, the UI and the design itself looks a little off, more like a high-school project rather than a fully baked app :(

@shayan_arman1 congrats and thanks for launching Inbox Zero. I just checked out your website and it looks great. I will be giving it a try!

?makers what did you engineer at Apple? How does this compare with Superhuman or Shortwave?

A big challenge with zero inbox I've faced is maintaining it after the initial clean, do you have some features/plan to add some around those as well? Congrats on the launch! :)

This sounds very useful. Just a few questions how it is gonna understand which one are important to me and which one are not, like what filters are there to identify this.

Very cool! Are you planing to expand the offering to be a full fledged email app? To compete with superhuman etc?

Congrats on the launch! Always nice with a clean zero inbox! :) Is it an integration in the browser or an app?

Congo mate for again launch! @shayan_arman1 Inbox Zero Ai is very helpful for me