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In-App Notification Center by SuprSend

Pre-built real-time notification center for your app & web

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Integrate a native-looking real-time in-app notification center just like LinkedIn, Slack, Instagram within minutes. * Customizable UI Components & headless API * Real-time updates via Web Sockets * Unlimited feed retention

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Hey all! 🌟 We're absolutely thrilled to unveil SuprSend's off-the-shelf real-time [Inapp Notification Center]( for SaaS/B2B and B2C applications! After months of development and continuous refinement based on user feedback, we're proud to present an in-app inbox that delivers a comprehensive and native-looking experience, elevating your product's user experience to unprecedented heights. It's time to engage your customers within your app, using your own UI components! 🚀 ### Big picture, here's a taste of what's possible: 🎨 Composable UI: Create a native in-app inbox interface with customisable pre-built components or headless API 🔒 User Authentication: Implement secure HMAC authentication mechanisms 🕒 Real-Time Updates: Web socket connections to enable instant real-time notifications. 📊 State Management: Manage notification status (read/ unread/ archive) and user interactions effectively to optimize engagement. 📥 Aggregation and Filtering: Organize notifications with tabs and filtering options, simplifying access to information. 🚀 Observability: Track channel performance and efficiently debug issues with logs ⚙️ Batching: No-code way to batch multiple alerts and send out a single notifications ⚙️ Multi-channel with preferences: Route notifications on email, slack, text, whatsapp while taking in account user's preferences. ### Platforms supported: - [React]( | [React Native]( ⚛️ - [Angular]( 🅰️ - [Flutter]( 📱 - [Web Application Embed]( 💻 Check out our [playground](https://inbox-playground.suprsen...) for yourself! Try free designs from [Figma here]( We're so excited for you all to try this and we can't wait to hear your feedback and suggestions!

Comment highlights

Impressive launch! Cheers to an interesting approach and excited to see its impact grow.

I've been a user of Suprsend for over two years now, and I can't praise it enough. It's an excellent solution crafted by a skilled team—truly commendable work. Suprsend has been a game-changer for us, significantly reducing our expenses and easing our cognitive load by efficiently tackling the notorious challenge of managing the notification layer!

Unlimited feed retention is a big plus. No need to worry about users missing important notifications because of some storage limit. This feels like a great feature for apps with a lot of ongoing activity. Thoughts?

Seems to be a great product built with edge cases in mind. Not a lot of options are there currently providing support for Flutter, web, and next.js. All the best for the launch. ✌️

Super smooth! Really love how easy this is to put together for the huge benefits you see from it. Incredible work!!

Hey Gaurav, The concept of a ready-to-integrate notification center is brilliant. It sounds like a game-changer for improving user engagement without the heavy lifting. I'm curious, what was the most challenging part of developing the real-time update feature? Can't wait to see this in action and explore the playground! All the best with the launch!

What is used for real-time connections? Is it running on polling? I saw your website, couldn’t find this information.

Excellent product for us, fit our needs best after trying novu and knock out. Will be adding this into our product soon too!

Checked out the playground, pretty sleek designs and implementation. Congrats! Do you support multiple feeds, like per customer feed?

Congratulations on the launch. Inbox playground looks great. Is there any DPA available? In EU regions, along with GDPR compliance there are certain more things needed now. Would want to check on that