You don't need to be a market research expert to validate your business ideas. Join IdeaApe – we're an advanced yet user-friendly AI market research tool
I totally love this idea. Will try it for sure. Maybe, as somebody mentioned before, a credit option would not be so bad for starting as it definitely can get viral if the algorithm is smart. Congratulations!!!
Congratulations on the launch! How many paid customer have you got for this till now? And what strategy you are using for marketing? I am SaaS developer too, not trying to sell anything :D btw I Upvoted!
Your activation is broken. I enter a query, you prompt me to login or create an account.... okay fine. After I create an account, my original query is wiped out so I have to re-enter it again, just to learn that I have 0 credits and I have to purchase a package just to understand how it works.
It seems pricy for the searches. It would be nice if you could charge on results, a consolidated report on my search for example. Also your FAQs didn't work (Im Apple, Microsoft Edge, may help with your debug)
Interesting, congratulations :) What are the main differentiating factors from other players in the market that use AI for market research?
Love it! Reddit is such a good source for customer research. I also second the pay-as-you-go idea that others have mentioned.