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Women's safety app for real-time security


I’M SAFE empowers you to navigate the world fearlessly. With real-time GPS location sharing, emergency alerts, helpline access, anonymous recording, and fake call features, wearables, our app enhances your safety for FREE. Take control and move confidently!

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Hello Product Hunters!! We created I’M SAFE with a simple mission: to empower women to navigate the world fearlessly. Every feature, from our real-time GPS tracking to anonymous recording and emergency alerts, is designed with personal safety and ease of use in mind. We’re excited to hear your thoughts, answer any questions, and see how we can make I’M SAFE even better for everyone. How can I’M SAFE help you feel safer today? Let’s start the conversation!

Comment highlights

congrats! It’s fantastic to see such a useful tool for personal safety. The ability to share your location and access emergency services is a big plus.

I'm impressed with the combination of the SOS alerts with location sharing and multimedia capture. This will definitely help in emergencies.

I’m really impressed by this safety app. It’s empowering women with technology and providing a much-needed sense of security. Congrats on the launch!

I love the features, but the UI could be more intuitive. Looking forward to future updates that make navigation smoother.

I’m enjoying using this app for safety. It would be even better if the chat feature allowed for more multimedia sharing options.

The Track me feature for real-time location sharing sounds incredibly useful. This will be awesome for peace of mind.

Features like fake calls and anonymous recording sound like a clever way to enhance safety. Looking forward to seeing how they work!

This app provides valuable safety tools like GPS tracking and emergency alerts. It’ll be interesting to see how these features contribute to users’ sense of security.

Adding a feature that allows users to rate the safety of different locations is brilliant. This will be very helpful for planning safer routes and places to visit.

The bluetooth device for added security is a smart addition. It’s great to see technology being used to empower and protect women. Keep up the good work!

@jesonduthie Hi congrats on the launch!. Does it also help solo traveller with no internet facility during emergency.?

Omg, I love the "fake call" feature, it's finally here! It's on Android as well, Is this region specific? Congratulations on the launch! Love the pink UI as well!

Congratulations on the launch. So happy to see people working on this issue. UI is simple yet effective! All the very best.

Congratulations on the launch @jesonduthie, this looks good. QQ: Will it work across countries?