It's 2024. Why are we still torturing teams with 10AM "How's it going?" rituals? Well, no more! Our AI never sleeps, runs standups on auto-pilot 24/7, connects with Github and serves up juicy summaries whenever you need them! 🤯
Hey Hunters 👋
After 4 years as a PM, I realised something was broken in how teams track progress.
Traditional standup / project management tools like Jira or Linear are great for creating story logs, but unfortunately none of these tools truly allowed you to get answers to really important questions.
I got annoyed because I couldn't ask questions like "what did our front-end team work on last week" or "how much of our sales target did we actually achieve in Q4 of this year?" (and more).
Which is why I decided to create HowsThisGoing: The AI-powered standup tool that does more than run meetings—it answers your questions. Want to know how fast your team is moving? Just ask. Curious about an engineer's key projects? Simply type a question in Slack.
The goal initially was a standup bot with natural language superpowers but I was like... why not go a step further? Why not give it the power to access all your sources of truth? What if the bot could go beyond standups, what if it could become an actual project manager that knows everything about everything you're interested in?
Hence, I introduced 🚀 INTEGRATIONS!
This game-changing feature allows you to connect to your favorite tools like Github, Linear, Hubspot, Notion etc. and get summaries + actually ask questions about how things are going.
Excited to launch this to the PH community! hoping this stops us from annoying teammates with questions our bot can answer 😜
Stop tracking. Start truly understanding. 🖖 cheers!
Product is awesome, once you start using this you can't go back. Kanishk is an all around great guy and awesome at customer support as well. Try this out if your org is wasting time on standups!
We've been using HowsThisGoing across our recruitment and tech teams over the past 6 months and it's completely upped our team productivity. The ability to ask natural language questions about our productivity levels across our workflows & through the Github integration is game-changing.
Well done!
Congrats on the launch @kanishkdan. Saw your post on Reddit and came to know about it. Inspirational really to know that you learnt to code and have developed HowsThisGoing. If this tool can become the antidote to meaningless time wasting meetings, then it should be lapped up by the corporate world. I see a creative marketing brain behind the developer in you with very interesting creatives used. Kudos.
I like the summaries less analytical tone! What about google analytics 4 integration? Would be fun to read user metrics with a bit of humour.
Ooo love this - I'm a sucker for a good workflow, and the automated PM bit seems useful for smaller teams where you've got a bit going on all over the place (like us 😅). Plus analytics?? Win. Following along and can't wait to try it out!
Congratulations on the launch @kanishkdan ! Ive been an early user of Howsthisgoing and I see great potential in how much time and effort this can save for my team! Integrations with Github to look at the PRs and provide summaries are going to be a game changer for us at Airbook! Nice work Kanishk!
My team uses daily updates with the same format, but every member just texts it in this channel. It helps to be on the same page. This is important because we are all in different time zones and it is important to synchronize everyone. Not only the project manager needs to be aware of what was done yesterday and what the plans are for today, whose resourses are still needed.
But really cool you trying to do it more effective! Good luck today!
Love how seamless it is to use HowsThisGoing! Been using this for the past 1 month now ✨🚀
Congrats on the launch, @kanishkdan.
If would be nice if the bot has context from previous updates.
For example, something like, "Kanishk, yesterday you planned to work on X, Y, Z - how's it going today?" That would make the updates feel more personal and connected.
Congrats @kanishkdan for the launch! I loved this tool since the first time I saw the demo. There's a special thing about morning stand-ups with teammates but sometime there's no time or some colleagues are commuting and that's where I can see a huge potential for HTG. Good luck and keep up the good work 🔥😼
It looks like something that makes the workflow more "tidy".
I do not like "separated questions" and when everything is scattered into 1000 threads where I get lost.
Have a good feeling from this tool as it summarises that important highlights.
Good luck, Kanishk.