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Catch PII leaks in code & keep your PII inventory current

Security static code scanner not only flags PII leaks in plaintext within logs, files, cookies, and tokens but also tracks data flows to third-party integrations, highlighting data processing agreement violations before they become production issues.

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Before my co-founders and I started, I served as the VP of Product at a data security company, specializing in discovering, classifying, and applying access controls to sensitive data in production. During this time, I encountered numerous concerns from security and privacy teams, who were frustrated with the reactive data security and privacy measures that struggled to keep pace with rapid changes in their applications’ codebases. This frustration sparked the idea for Common questions from these teams included: ❓ “How can I prevent PII data from leaking in the first place, rather than catching it once it’s already in production logs, files, or third-party systems?” ❓ “How can we establish a reliable method for documenting processing activities that keeps up with changes in our codebase without relying on inconsistent tribal knowledge?” ❓ “How can we proactively track data flows to third-party integrations and ensure continuous adherence to established data processing agreements?” Our founding team had several well-informed ideas about how to address these issues, and that led to the creation of Proactive vs. Reactive Data Security and Privacy For too long, organizations have taken a reactive approach to detecting and remediating PII leaks. In 2023, 92% of compromised data involved PII. Addressing PII in logs is complex, requiring code updates, reviewing logs for sensitive data, and assessing the risks of exposed information under various compliance frameworks. PII in logs can also spread to other systems like monitoring tools, SIEMs, and backups, increasing the challenge for security teams. Integrating security measures into the development process from the start is crucial. Tools like’s static code scanner catch PII leaks early, helping developers fix issues and saving security teams from chasing leaks across multiple systems. for Developers, Security Engineers, & Privacy Teams’s static code scanner has something to offer for everyone involved in code development, application security, and data privacy. ➡️ Developers - Eliminate the guesswork on what PII your code repositories process. - Automate responses to privacy questionnaires. - Identify PII exposed in logs, files, and third-party integrations, and fix these issues before pushing to production. ➡️ Application Security Engineers - Augment your code scanning with PII leak findings that have never been covered at the code level before. - Enhance your prioritization strategy with insights into PII data handling per code repository. ➡️ Privacy Engineers - Automate documentation of processing activities at the speed of development. - Avoid being blindsided by changes in PII. - Detect third-party data processing agreement violations before they escalate into production issues Try Our Free Scanner Today offers a free static code scanner that provides a comprehensive PII inventory of your code repositories, including the sensitivity levels of the identified PII, and automates privacy questionnaire responses with up-to-date data. Our Rust-based scanner is only a few megabytes in size and is incredibly fast, scanning 5 million lines of code in under a minute. The findings are available directly in your terminal or as neatly formatted markdown or JSON files. The scanner supports all popular programming languages, including Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, and Kotlin. We welcome any and all feedback! Thanks for checking out our product!

Comment highlights

Looks like a killer product with a super neat use case. Curious what the primary use case is for someone who doesn’t speak tech haha

Hi Amjad, congratulations on the launch! Excited to see how will empower teams to integrate security seamlessly into their development processes.

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Great work! Does the platform provide recommendations on how to fix the flagged issues, or just highlight them?

Congrats on launching! How customizable is the scanner for different data privacy policies?

This tool seems promising. It might help to include examples of how it catches leaks effectively.

Impressive approach to addressing data privacy concerns. Regular PII inventory updates are vital for compliance.

This tool focus on data security are crucial. Keeping track of PII leaks can really enhance coding practices.

Congratulations @amjad_afanah1 ! Does it provide any specific reports or insights on how to fix the flagged PII leaks and data processing agreement violations?

Really value the ability to see how data flows throughout our processes. It’s essential for keeping sensitive information safe.

The integration with CI/CD pipelines is super helpful. It allows us to spot issues early and prevents headaches later on.

Scanning 10 million lines of code in less than a minute is amazing! This will definitely keep our projects running efficiently.

@amjad_afanah1, sounds like a game-changer for modern development and security workflows! The ability to proactively identify and handle PII leaks before they become major issues is a huge step forward for organizations striving to maintain robust data privacy standards. Your focus on seamless integration into existing development processes is particularly appealing, as it empowers developers, security engineers, and privacy teams to address concerns without disrupting their workflows. The speed and efficiency of the scanner, processing millions of lines of code in under a minute, is impressive and sure to be a hit with teams looking to enhance their security posture without added complexity. Looking forward to seeing how evolves and contributes to safer data practices across industries. Congratulations on the launch!

Congrats on the launch! Proactively detecting information leaks and tracking the flow of data to third-party integrations is a major advancement in data security and privacy protection. By integrating static code scanning directly into the development process, helps developers, security engineers, and privacy teams detect and fix information leaks before they become serious problems in production. @amjad_afanah1

Congrats to the team on the launch! This tool sounds like a must-have for identifying and preventing PII leaks. Does it also provide recommendations for fixing flagged issues or just highlight them?

Brilliant app actually this is a problem solver. Congrats, Amjad! you got my upvote