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Explore history of places through audio stories & fun facts

Historical Games

Dive into the heart of every place with stories. Histories brings locations to life, narrating their unique past. Explore ancient ruins, bustling cities, and tranquil spots hands-free. Enhance your travel with captivating facts, making each journey memorable.

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Hi, we have always wanted to try incorporating AI into one of our products. Our histories are primarily built on stories and images generated by AI. We believe that every place has a story, and modern technology helps us uncover and retell them for those, like us, love to discover new destinations. While our project is starting in Prague, we hope to expand further soon, so you can listen to stories from all over the world. Let us know what you think about it. Founders Jarda and Filip.

Comment highlights

Huge, congrats on your launch guys!🔥Probably it is very good for history enthusiasts who want to uncover fascinating stories behind every place they visit.

Just checked out Histories Live, and it's such a cool concept! Using AI to uncover and retell stories of places is genius. Started in Prague, but can’t wait to see it expand worldwide. Love discovering new destinations this way. Great job, Jarda and Filip!

Interesting concept with histories! How comprehensive is the database for historical places currently?

Congratulations on the release! Very good and creative, I like the style of the app/website very much. In fact, the map can be added with mapbox, which is more personalized.

Histories app is a fantastic way to immerse oneself in the rich stories and histories of different locations. Congratulations on the launch!

OMG. I've been looking for something like this for ages. Thank you for creating something this practical.

Congrats on the launch! How do you verify historical accuracy, as AI has been known to "hallucinate"?

Is it basically a free guide for every city? Can it detect where you’re at and give you a tour of the place you’re at using AI. That would seem pretty cool. Anyways, congrats on the launch!

I really look forward to adding more places to this product, so that our journey is no longer just a quick tour, but a deep experience of the local history and culture. I will continue to pay attention~~

Histories sounds like a fascinating way to enrich travel experiences! The combination of AI-generated stories and images to bring locations to life is quite innovative. How do you ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the historical facts provided by the AI? Also, are there plans to allow user contributions or collaborations to further enhance the content Looking forward to exploring Prague with Histories when I have a chance 😁

This is such a cool concept, Jarda and Filip! AI-powered storytelling for travel destinations sounds incredibly engaging. To me, the journey of Prague is a very splendid idea. I am eager to learn more about where you are going with this magnificent project. Definitely, I am going to watch the development of this to the very end!

Congrats on the launch! Is it GPS-focused? Meaning that if Im in e.g. Prague I can learn about historical sites close to me? Or is it meant more for "exploration at the couch"? Looking forward to trying it out!