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Sell stuff faster with AI

Artificial Intelligence

Hero helps you identify, price, and list items for sale in seconds. 📱 Get the free app 📸 Scan products to see resale value instantly ✨ Auto-generate titles, prices, and details 📹 Record a video – No more typing! 💥 List items in seconds, get offers fast

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Huge congrats! I've been an early beta tester and really love the experience of selling stuff on Hero. Used to be a power seller on ebay, and let me tell you, this is a game changer compared to selling on ebay/craigslist etc.

Comment highlights

Congrats on the launch! What is the rough process of pricing? How can I be sure the price is credible?

I absolutely love Hero!! I’ve been an avid Facebook marketplace user my whole life, and with the AI wave taking over this has been my new favorite platform. Would love to see a Facebook integration to list items on both but without the friction that Facebook has! Love it!

Hey Product Hunters! 👋  I’m Jeremy, co-founder an CTO at Hero. As someone who has sold a LOT on eBay and Craigslist, I know how much of a hassle listing stuff for sale can be. Hero makes that process 100x faster – just scan 📸 and with one tap your item is listed 💥 Advancements in technology enable magical moments, and that’s exactly what we’re aiming for with Hero’s AI-native marketplace. Instant product recognition, auto-generated titles, prices, details from the scan – no more typing ✨ Try it out and let us know what you think! Happy scanning!

Hi 👋 I'm Kai, one of the makers of Hero. I've been selling used stuff on the Internet for years. If I can make a few bucks on an item, I will 🤭 Unfortunately, existing marketplaces have failed to adopt modern UX, AI, mobile, or video from the bottom up. We have surveyed hundreds of users during the development of Hero, and the feedback has always been the same — tools are not fun to use, and the process of listing stuff is too cumbersome and time-consuming. That's why, earlier this year, we decided to build an AI-native marketplace that questions all aspects of the selling and buying experience. The v1 of our vision is to simplify cataloging and listing your old electronics for sale. Point your phone, scan, record, and talk about your item, and Hero will do the rest. Thanks to everybody who provided early feedback when the app was still rough around the edges. This is the beginning to make the selling and buying experience of used items more enjoyable. I would love your feedback — the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's still early days rolling out the marketplace.

This is cool! Scanning stuff to sell is way smarter than typing everything out. Gotta try this out and see how fast I can make some cash! 💰

I love how quickly I can get offers after listing my items; it feels so efficient!

I love the idea of using AI to handle pricing and descriptions definitely simplifies the process.

It's going to save me so much time when selling things online. Definitely giving it a try!

Hero is like having a personal shopping assistant, it's so easy to use and I can finally sell all my stuff without having to leave the couch. Congrats team!

Excited to see how AI can revolutionize the way we sell! 'Sell Stuff Faster with AI' is a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their sales process. With AI's ability to analyze data and personalize customer interactions, we can connect with our audience more effectively and close deals faster than ever. Can't wait to explore this further!

How accurate is the pricing compared to similar items? Also, I’m curious about the video recording option, does it automatically generate the listing details from the video?

After spending years behind the scenes at Product Hunt, it’s a surreal experience to now be on the other side, launching Hero. 😻 Do try out the 🪄scan experience and all the other flows. Let us know what you think! Finally here is my stash:

Hey everyone! 👋 I’m Joshua, co-founder and CEO of Hero. We started Hero because selling secondhand online sucks. Platforms like eBay and Craigslist are slow and tedious. Selling should be fast, simple, and efficient - especially for electronics, which is where we’re focusing first in the US. With Hero, you can list items 100x faster - in less than 30 seconds. Just snap a video or photo, and our AI instantly handles pricing, descriptions, and listings. We’re also making it easy to catalog your items and always know their value. Our vision is to build an AI-native marketplace, where the entire selling process is powered by AI... removing all friction and making it effortless. We’re working on other marketplace integrations for effortless cross listing/selling. We’re still in beta, growing rapidly, and learning with every scan. Six months ago, Hero was just an idea. Now we’re live, and we’d love your feedback to keep making it better. 🙌 Joshua