A chatbot to aid legal research. It summaries the discovered laws in seconds and provides detailed source links so you can do your own research. The goal is to save time on legal research and make it easier for everybody to discover law.
Thanks for checking out helpmefindlaw.
We want to grow and deliver the best AI assistant for legal research possible. Law should be delivered in a manner that general public can readily consume, not buried deep in statutes and case law. We are trying to use advancements in technology to bridge this gap.
Join our community to shape this future: https://discord.gg/vujprERep5
Legendary app. Helped me more times than I can count — as someone who just moved to Australia and unaware of the laws. Keep up the good work!
Love this product. Allows users to easily access information that would have otherwise cost time and money previously. A life saver for small businesses
It's about time there was some innovation in this space! Congrats on the launch, helpmefindlaw is going to save me so much time.
This is great! Love seeing AI get deployed into traditionally inaccessible areas like law and make it easier for people to interact with it
Congrats on your launch! 🥂
I wonder what you think about getting legal advice from AI could be a problem in terms of serious consequences. You can lose your rights easily by any missing or wrong information. Some countries require insurance for lawyers. Can you provide liability insurance for the advice?
I am asking this because I really want that get legal advice more accessible to everyone. 🙏