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Aggregate your GitHub, LinkedIn & more into one dev profile

Developer Tools
Artificial Intelligence

Bring together your GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn profiles into a single HackerPulse dev profile. Perfect for job applications and networking, HackerPulse profile gives a complete picture of your skills and projects, all in one place.

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Hey Product Hunters! 🚀 I’m Illia - the CTO of HackerPulse. As an engineer and an engineering leader, I always was frustrated by how hard it is to communicate what you do without sharing 69 links and docs. And HackerPulse does just that, it helps tell your professional story in just one profile - all your skills, abilities, tools - in one place. We integrate your GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn data to create a comprehensive profile that does not only look good but is also actionable. Apart from the radar chart with your core abilities and the breakdown of your skills, we also help you show what and when you’ve learned by tying your skills with your work. So now that you’re applying for a side gig, looking for a mentor or just trying to explain what type of a dev are you - you just share 1 link. I’m super excited to share HackerPulse with you and hear your thoughts, so please leave them in the comments - weather good or bad. Cheers, Illia 🙃

Comment highlights

Hey, @illia_perevoznyk! HackerPulse sounds fantastic! Having one profile to showcase all my skills and experiences is exactly what I've been looking for. The integration with GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn is a brilliant idea. Um, it would be great if you could add support for other platforms like Behance or Dribbble for those of us who dabble in design as well. Finally, I can stop juggling 69 links and just share one. Can’t wait to try it out and see if it finally helps me explain what I do without sounding like a broken record! Great job on simplifying the chaos! 😄

Congratulations on the launch! HackerPulse will significantly change the way I create my own dev profile. What an excellent tool!

I love the idea of consolidating my online presence across multiple platforms into a single, comprehensive profile. HackerPulse makes it easy to showcase my skills, projects, and experience in one place. Congratulations on the launch!

Very cool! Whenever I look at my ENG friend's profile, I see tons of links. This can consolidate stuff down quite a bit and help others read your profile quickly. Congrats on launching the product @illia_perevoznyk and team!

Congratulations for the launch! HackerPulse is a game-changer! The radar charts let you see your strengths and skills at a glance. Job matching has never been easier with such clear visuals.

Congratulations on your launch, team HackerPulse! I really like the overall design. HackerPulse looks like a premium version of Dribble, doesn't it?

Congratulations on the launch! The idea of combining GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn into a single HackerPulse profile is fantastic. It’s a brilliant solution for job applications and networking, providing a comprehensive view of skills and projects in one place.

This is an interesting tool, but I can't give write access to my Github account. All the necessary information is available publicly assuming your related profiles are also public, so auth is unnecessary here, let alone write access. It's suspicious, any explanation/clarification here?

Hi there! I love the idea of having an actionable profile that looks good. It’s a great way to stand out to potential employers or mentors

Congratulations on the launch of HackerPulse! This tool has the potential to be a game-changer for developers looking to showcase their talents. Can't wait to try it out!

I love the idea behind HackerPulse. Providing a comprehensive platform for developers to highlight their work and achievements is fantastic. Great job, team!

Hey there! This looks like an excellent tool for developers to showcase their skills and projects. Excited to see how it can help build and enhance professional profile!

How does the system manage updates for profiles that are linked? Keeping everything perfectly coordinated would be fantastic

It's a terrific concept to gather many profiles in one convenient location. This seems like it would be really helpful for networking and job applications. Thank you so much for making such a useful tool!

This seems like an excellent method to consolidate all of my developer profiles! Juggling between platforms is always a bother

Really love the idea of a consolidated profile especially when you have so many out there! Awesome job! Is the only way to signup by using your gmail? Are there plans to allow email signup or possibly by another service?

That's so beautiful. No stress when there's need to share links with potential employers and no links get lost. I'd like to write about this tool for my many tech bros and sis. What do you say? Work together?