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Collect testimonials with ease


Grazias Is a Tool To Collect, Manage And Share Testimonials With Utmost Ease

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Hey Guys I am Al-ameen , The Co-founder Of Grazias, Grazias is a tool to simplify and makes testimonials collection easier. What Suggestion or Feedback do you have for the software

Comment highlights

This is amazing way to collect a lot of testimonials fast and send to either potential clients or push them to the website. Great job and congrats!

It really is revolutionary to make the process of gathering, organizing, and publishing testimonials simpler. It is quite simple to use thanks to the clear and intuitive layout. One suggestion: it would be great to have more customization options for the testimonials to better fit different branding needs.

Great name! Is it a derivation of Gracias or did you get it from Sardinia (Italy)?

Sounds fantastic tool! I'd suggest adding integrations with popular CRM platforms to streamline data management even further. Can't wait to see how Grazias evolves! 🚀

Congrats on the launch, Al Almeen! I am very curious in which direction Grazias will go! :)

Looks good.🔥I understand the problem, collecting and managing testimonials can be a hassle. This tool seems like a game-changer.

Congrats on the launch! Would be awesome if it supported audio/video testimonials

A product that works right out of the box ~ It would be even better if it could support video ~

Will it allow to get video testimonials as well, since video testimonials are more powerful these days.