The Best Third-Party GPT Store, powered by GPT-4 Turbo and Pinecone. Discover custom ChatGPT apps to boost productivity and innovation in your business.
I'm excited to introduce you to my GPT Store, now we collected 190K+ GPTs right now, and For the growing popularity of GPTs, finding the right one can be a challenge, and offical's search look like based on conversations, now lot of guys fake the chats data...
## Our Mission
To create the largest, most open and transparent database of GPTs to help users save time in selecting GPTs.
## Technology using,
>> Vector Search: We use advanced vector search technology to match your language needs. Language matching carries 72% weight, ensuring that you get results tailored to your specific requirements.
>> Chat Data Integration: We also consider chat data, accounting for 20% of the weight, Plan to add 20- 30% review weight when got your reviews content [- Vector content + ratings]
>> File & action data, 2% weight for search on File, 6% search weight for GPTs have action
>> Recommendation algorithms, this one I'm just starting to learn:) This ensures that the GPTs we recommend are not only linguistically accurate but also excel in real-world conversation scenarios.
## Your Feedback Matters!
I invite you to test and share your experiences.
> Is the search experience good?
> Are the recommendations helpful?
> Do you have specific data requirements that we should consider?
> Should we adjust the weighting of our search criteria?
@cherrypicks Congratulations on your launch. Upvoted. Would love your support on our launch as well here: (Tigbar)
Is the website currently down?
When I try to check it out it says:
"This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
Are there plans to integrate with other productivity tools or platforms to further enhance user experience and utility?
Congratulations for the great launching. Very nice app. It will be very helpful for us. Thanks for this.
Is it open to non OpenAI custom GPTs? I have a bunch of AI apps I’d like to submit.
Excellent and innovative project, I believe it will help a lot of people. Congratulations!
Congrats on the launch team! 🚀 It looks awesome. I have a few questions:
How do you plan to collect and integrate user reviews into the search and recommendation algorithms?
What future enhancements or features are planned for
How can users contribute to the, beyond submitting reviews?
Hi Chris, it's fantastic to see you've harnessed the power of GPT-4 for the GPTs App Store. I'm curious about how you ensure the quality and relevance of the apps featured in your store. Can you share more about the selection process? Great work on this project!