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GPT Power Manager

Pin, tag & folder chats for quick access

Browser Extensions
Artificial Intelligence

Supercharge your ChatGPT experience with advanced organization and management tools.

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🎉 Hey Product Hunt! Thrilled to Introduce GPT Power Manager! 🚀 Hi everyone, I’m super excited to share something I've been working on—GPT Power Manager. If you, like me, use ChatGPT a lot, you know how chaotic it can get with all the conversations piling up. That’s why I created GPT Power Manager, to bring some order to the chaos! Why did I create this? Honestly, I was getting lost in my own chats. Important discussions were slipping through the cracks, and I knew there had to be a better way. So, I built GPT Power Manager with some pretty cool features to help all of us stay on top of our game: 🔖 Custom Tagging: Now you can label your chats however you want. Need to find that one conversation from last week? Easy! 📌 Chat Pinning: Keep your crucial chats pinned and always at your fingertips. 🎨 Color Coding: Make your chat list a rainbow. It’s not just pretty, it’s practical! 📂 Folder Management: Group your conversations into folders. Because who doesn’t love a good folder? 🌟 Intuitive Interface: I made sure it’s super easy to use, so you can dive right in and start organizing. Who’s it for? Whether you’re a researcher, a power user, or just someone who loves staying organized, GPT Power Manager is for you. It’s all about making your ChatGPT experience smoother and more efficient. Give it a try! I’m really proud of how GPT Power Manager turned out, and I genuinely think it can help you make the most of your ChatGPT interactions. Download it, give it a spin, and let me know what you think. Your feedback would mean the world to me!

Comment highlights

The tool is simple yet so powerful! Sifting through 100s of chats can be really annoying. Congratulations and godspeed @rajgupttaa

The organization features help me categorize my chats, making it easy to revisit important discussions.

The ease of organizing conversations by topics means I can efficiently reference and build on past discussions. It’s been a fantastic addition to my toolkit.

I love how I can quickly find previous chats based on keywords or tags. It’s saving me so much time!

This tool is fantastic! Now I can keep track of my ideas and discussions without feeling overwhelmed.

I can’t believe how much it has improved my productivity. The ability to search through past chats and organize them by themes has made my workflow so much smoother.

While it’s great for productivity, I think the setup process could be simplified for new users.

The management features are really help me keep track of important discussions. It's made my research and brainstorming sessions so much more efficient.

Is GPT Power Manager compatible with other AI chat tools, or is it exclusively for ChatGPT? Would be great to know!

I've tried other ChatGPT management tools, but its stands out with its pin and tag features. Great work!

This is exactly what I needed to keep my ChatGPT interactions organized. Thanks for creating such a useful tool!

Would love to see a dark mode option. It would make working at night much easier.

Loving the user interface—clean and intuitive. It makes managing my chats so much easier. Kudos to the design team!

It’s a good addition, but I’d love to see more tutorials or guides to help users maximize its potential.

A feature to sync tags and folders across multiple devices would be awesome. Is this something on the roadmap?

How does it handle the security of pinned and tagged chats? Are there encryption measures in place?