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GPT Maxx

World's first AGI model

Artificial Intelligence

GPTMaxx is an AGI Model with more parameters than the Llama, GPT-4, Gemini and Grok models combined.

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GPTMaxx is an AGI Model with more parameters than the Llama, GPT-4, Gemini and Grok models combined. Does it know what colour shoes you’re wearing right now? Yes Does it know what you had for lunch yesterday afternoon? Yes Does it know who your latest situationship is, probably before your best friend? Also yes Who are we kidding, happy April Fools. Today we gift you GPTMaxx, the prank app that lets you convince your friends that AGI is real. Know somebody who won’t stop talking about AI? Now’s your chance to prank them and make them believe that you have access to next generation proprietary models. Simply sign up for the instructions and enjoy! The best part - if they try to use the model themselves, they’ll be told their prompt engineering is not good enough. Have fun! Romil & JP (Inspired by Peter Answers)

Comment highlights

This is brilliant, especially the launch on the 1st of April! Curious to know, how does GPTMaxx navigate the line between playful deception and maintaining trust, especially when revealing the prank to users?

Congratulations on the launch of GPTMaxx! This prank app brings a whole new level of fun to April Fools' Day, allowing users to playfully convince their friends that AGI is real. The concept is hilarious, and the execution is brilliant. What inspired the development of GPTMaxx?

I think that the anonymous testimony in this video is real and that the explanation video is actually a strategy video put together by AGI, but shhh! 🤫 we are being listened to... 🕵️‍♂️