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Free Google link shortener

Web App

Shorten your Google Drive, Docs, Forms, Sheets, and Maps links with – a free, branded successor to Google's link shortener (which has been sunsetted by Google and will stop working August 2024 onwards).

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Ever since Google sunsetted back in 2018, there hasn't been a reliable & branded alternative/successor to it. Furthermore, Google just announced yesterday that all links will stop working after August 25, 2024: And that's where comes in 😁 is a a free Google link shortener built with Dub's link infrastructure that lets you create beautiful short links for your: ◆ Google Docs linksGoogle Drive linksGoogle Forms linksGoogle Sheets linksGoogle Maps linksYouTube links ...and get world-class analytics, powered by Dub's analytics infra 📈 We would love for you to give a try and see how it can help you transition away from links. Let us know what you think about this!

Comment highlights

I'm actually convinced that Google saw Dub launch their branded short link and that's actually what made them sunset it "we can't compete with Steven and Dub 🤷‍♂️" who's next??

Congrats on the launch! The feature to customize short links and view detailed analytics seems like it could be a helpful for marketers. Looking forward to trying it out.

Hey there! The new tool looks really promising. I appreciate how easy it seems to shorten and manage links. Can’t wait to see how it performs in action.

Just started using this and so far, it’s pretty smooth. The analytics features are a nice touch—looking forward to exploring more.

Really happy to see a fresh option for shortening links. The features look promising, and I’m eager to test it out.

Excited to see this link shortener in action. I’ve been looking for a replacement for the old one, and this seems like a great alternative.

Can you add a feature to import existing links directly into your service?

This tool sounds fantastic! I love the integration with YouTube links. It makes sharing videos much easier.

Congrats on your launch! I think it's fantastic that this tool works with all Google services, making it super versatile.

I just loved the focus on user experience and intuitive design. I'm looking forward to seeing how this can streamline our link management. Good luck!

Congratulations on launching such a useful tool! How easy is it to integrate with existing marketing platforms? Keep up the great work!

This tool seems like a fantastic addition for marketing teams! I'm especially impressed by the powerful analytics. Best of luck with its success!

I ’m impressed by the analytics features that come with this tool. Can you provide more information on the privacy measures in place for tracking data?

Amazing work! The ability to create short links for Google Docs, Drive, and other services is very useful.

Congrats on your launch! I like how this tool offers a reliable way to shorten Google links with added analytics

This is a cool concept! I've been looking for a way to clean up my link management.

A branded link shortener is something I've needed for a while. This looks promising.