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Track your cash flows with a chat based system

Artificial Intelligence

Understand your spending habits with clear, interactive charts. Use AI to enter your transactions effortlessly.

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Hi there👋🏻 It's been a year or two since I made any new products. Genkin is my attempt to get back at what I love doing. I'm also happy to announce that Genkin won a spot in the Hashnode #AiForTomorrow hackathon organized last month in August. Genkin is simply the solution to a problem every working professional/business might be facing and that's to track cashflows. Genkin follows a simple approach, with the help of Generative AI and the power of React Server components to deliver a fluid experience. It helps you analyze your transactions, and make better financial decisions. Looking forward to suggestions and feedback!

Comment highlights

Hey, congrats on the launch! I've been looking for something like this to handle conversations on X more effectively. Excited to see how it help me stay organized with my leads.

I appreciate the shared accounts feature especially for teams that handle multiple profiles. This could simplify collaboration and make sure no possible leads are missed.

The CRM feature is amazing that is built for directly into the messaging system. It's going to e so much easier to track potential clients and deals right in the DM space. Well done!

Amazing work, @geobrodas! The interactive charts for spending habits are a great touch and will definitely help users make better financial decisions. I’m curious, how does Genkin handle multi-currency accounts and complex transaction categories? Looking forward to seeing how this evolves!

I think it be really useful if there was a way to sync this with email conversations too, A unified inbox for DMs and emails could be a powerful combination.

Love the idea of simplify chatting with the app to track spending. It's so much more natural than having to manually enter data. The interactive charts for spending habits are a great touch too.

The chat feature allows for natural language input. It feels more like interacting with a friend than logging transactions. This is amazing.

My colleague was looking for a way to track personal expenses easily .Genkin looks like the perfect fit for them

I appreciate the simplicity and focus on using AI to track expenses. Managing cash flow can yet vast and this tool feels like it can make that much easier.

This is an amazing step up from using clunky Excel sheets to track expenses! The chat based system makes it so much easier to log everything quickly.

Would love to see a mobile app version. being able to track on the go would make it even more convenience

Something like this has been on my mind for a while. Really reduces the inertia of logging in payments and keeping track of budget

Great launch! The clean interface for managing expenses looks promising cant wait to explore more

Excited to see Genkin in action! The chat based transaction logging is a fantastic way to simplify daily financial tracking

Genkin sounds like a timely and practical solution for anyone looking to take control of their cash flow! Leveraging generative AI alongside React Server components for a smooth experience is an interesting approach, especially when it comes to making financial analysis easier for busy professionals. Congrats on winning a spot in the Hashnode #AiForTomorrow hackathon—it’s great to see your work being recognized! I’d love to know more about how the AI works to help users make better financial decisions. Looking forward to seeing how Genkin evolves and how it helps people streamline their financial tracking!

Congrats on the launch, great new product. Now we just need to wait for the app to stop me from making unwanted purchases, haha!