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Focus Buddy

Your always on AI executive assistant

Task Management
Artificial Intelligence

Your AI productivity co-pilot that stays on calls with you while working to help you get more done! Focus Buddy includes: • Seamless Voice First Todo List • 24/7 Focus Coach for accountability • Personalised weekly insights into your productivity.

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Hey Product Hunt! 👋 We're thrilled to introduce - your AI co-pilot for getting more done! 🚀💪 🧠 As a productivity geek and someone with ADHD, my co-founder and I created FocusBuddy to be the ultimate productivity companion we've always dreamed of. Here's how FocusBuddy works: • 🎯 Work on the right thing at the right time: As you co-work with the AI, it learns what you're working on, what's left, and what's done. It automatically keeps your to-do list up-to-date, ensuring you never miss a high-priority task. • 🤝 Check-ins that hold you accountable: Our coach checks in while you work, helping you talk through concerns, address perfectionism, and overcome barriers to getting started. • 📈 Insights into how you work: By being there as you work, the AI learns your burnout patterns, distractions, time estimation errors, and peak productivity times. It shares these insights weekly, with real-time coaching coming soon! 🌟 Our vision? We want to build an AI co-pilot that truly understands your tasks and helps you become more productive over time. It's not just about tracking tasks – it's about guiding you to hit more of your own goals much sooner. We want to make productivity improvement a tangible, measurable journey, like Strava does for running. By delivering insights at the right moment while you're working, we aim to help you make real progress in becoming more productive across all aspects of your work life. 🔧 How to use FocusBuddy: 1. Hop on when you're ready to work 2. Start a coworking call with your AI buddy 3. Collaborate on task breakdowns, updates, and accountability 4. Get personalized insights to level up your productivity game 💻 Users are loving FocusBuddy for: • Coding sessions with fixed timeboxes • Event planning without overlooking details • Essay writing without overthinking • And so much more! 🙏 A huge thank you to everyone who's helped shape FocusBuddy. We've come a long way from a simple phone call to a full-fledged desktop co-pilot, all thanks to your invaluable feedback. We're beyond excited to hear what the Product Hunt community thinks! Let's make productivity fun, measurable, and achievable together. 🎉 Questions? Ideas? We're all ears! Drop a comment below or reach out directly. Let's revolutionize the way we work! 💼✨ #ProductivityRevolution #AIAssistant #FocusBuddy

Comment highlights

Wow Adnan! Great product! Is the best way to try it out via an app on mobile, or on desktop, or via browser etc - does it sync across all devices etc? I write so many to do lists & manually add everything to my calendar multiple times/day (my ADHD brain struggles to remember everything & be punctual!) so this is exciting tech! What's the pricing model?

Im amazed by the progress there’s been on the product since I got to try this out great job! Have you guys thought of implementing a way to have it make you more productive during your recurring routines?

Incredible product, I was way more impressed about the voice assistant, a bit more flexible and intuitive than I had imagined. The app UI and task management can be a lot better, I bet you already know this and this is an MVP, but Well done @adnan_sherif1 @yashmr on the launch.

I remember asking my office bestie to be on facetime with me so she can remind me I have to complete a task and help me stay focused to finish all my tasks during those days when workload is more and mood is less. I feel focus buddy is going to be exactly that, just more AI, less human. More professional, less informal. Really good for people who are building their startup and might lose focus earlier than imagined.

there are multiple gaps RN! 1. you need to stay online throughout your working time. the moment you get offline, call will end, and all the reminders that were supposed to be sent during that offline period are now vanished. 2. even if you get online after break, you need to start a fresh call. moreover, it will also not mention the task list that was supposed to be done during the time you went offline. 3. if you add multiple tasks, it can skip briefing you about multiple tasks, especially tasks with no time stamp. even you ask it to brief you all such tasks, it will again do the same mistake. this is my experience with this for only 5-7 hours. it feels like an untrained intern who needs classes to actually become an assistant. having said that, I loved how a small whisper is so accurately taken by the app. I would really like to have this app but the gaps to to significant to consider.

Have tested the app and really love proactive ai for productivity - a game changer!

I've been looking to improve productivity, interesting approach with voice-first AI. I gotta try this! Any plans for a mobile version that syncs with desktop so I can jot down things while I'm on the go?

Focus Buddy is like my personal productivity sidekick! It keeps me organized during calls with easy voice commands. Thanks your for the product

I recommend Focus Buddy for those who want to increase productivity and stay focused on their tasks. Perfect for those who want more control over their time and tasks.

This is a game-changer for anyone struggling with focus and productivity. Focus Buddy acts as a real-time AI coach, keeping me accountable and helping me break down tasks. I love the personalized insights and the ability to chat with my AI buddy - it's like having a personal productivity assistant in my pocket! This is the future of work, and I'm excited to see where it goes.

congrats on the launch!! 🚀 love the ease of use; being able to talk to the assistant whenever as you’re working. the google calendar integration is great too!

ive been using focus buddy for the last 2 weeks, so really excited to see them launch. super helpful for just locking in - its a world of distractions out there

Very cool! Love how the AI is able to identify sub-tasks and that it can handle the natural pauses and changes in how you're describing the to-dos.

I'm absolutely blown away! As a developer with ADHD, a tool like this is going to make that initial push to code much less difficult! Do you guys plan on adding different voices?

Congrats Yash and Adnan! Excited to try this out and see how it's evolved since the original phone calls.