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List flats with friends


flatx. is the ultimate solution for flat-sharing within your network. This innovative app allows you to build your network in one place, and seamlessly list and find flats among your trusted circle of connections and friends.

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Introducing flatx. Your key to amazing flats within your closest network of connected friends! flatx. is not just an app; it's a solution born out of personal frustration and a burning desire to change the way we experience home-sharing, and trust me, it’s not your typical flat rental app! Say goodbye to the stress of dealing with strangers or exorbitant service fees when listing or renting a flat. Our innovative app allows you to build your network of friends and seamlessly share and find flats among your trusted circle of connections. We are beyond excited to share this with all of you today. flatx. is finally available on the App and Play Store. Take the unique chance now to be among the first to experience the future of flat rentals! Check it out:

Comment highlights

Lovely idea! I completely relate to it. Could you please explain a bit more about how I can build a network, especially when I move to another country and don't know many people there?

It's seems like a perfect solution to a universal problem among the students and even professional as I can relate to it! I would like to give it a go however I'm not sure if it's accessible at my location as I tried to create my account but didn't received the OTP. I'm currently in Pakistan and would appreciate if you guys can leverage access to get some insightful feedback!

sounds quite interesting, especially for people who get eye gouged when looking for places to stay in top tier cities!

Love the idea here. P2P airbnb. Would love some sort of reputation score maybe? that way you could bring more people into your network. The issue with AirBNB is that it's hard to trust random people with your property.

College students and early stage working professionals would love using this because they generally face problems in finding good flatmates

High five! We've just finished our launch, and I upvoted yours. Good luck with everything.