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Your AI financial advisor

Artificial Intelligence
Personal Finance

Fina's simple interface allows you to connect accounts, categorize transactions, and track custom metrics. Want to know specific things like: "How much money have I actually spent at Starbucks this year??" Just ask! Flexible financial management has arrivedšŸ§™

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Do you know that you can easily share any piece of insights/information easily with your people, right on Fina? Check out this question asked by @Nadeera -

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šŸ”„ Many friends commented about security & privacy, this is our first priority, without this, doing any fancy feature is meaningless. I included a technical overview article talking about how Fina was built. But I think a short comment will bring a lot of clarity here: šŸ‘‰ Every Fina user has its own single encrypted data package which includes transaction records and rules in it, this package is only loaded into an in-memory computing cluster when you sign in to Fina to do operations. Unlike any other financial app, Fina doesn't have a database to track your data (sounds ridiculous?), it's a single point following yourself, you on, the data package is on, you off, your data package is off. This architecture massively reduced the possibility of data leaks. ā¤ļø Hope this quick fun fact helps!

Hello Everyone! We're excited to introduce Fina to you all! With deep care for security and privacy, Fina is a modern documents system where your financial insights flow to your fingertips while you typing, all powered by AI. Come to say hi to your first AI financial advisor - it's Fina. We're hanging here to read every comment, so please ask anything!

Hello (PH) World! Weā€™re extremely excited to launch Fina to what we view as the best community of builders on the planet :D Demo: [](ht... AMA: [ (weā€™re hosting an ā€˜Ask Me Anythingā€™ / live community call at 1 pm CST) šŸ§Ø Problem: We recognize peopleā€™s financial lives vary VASTLY. What I care about is different than what you care about (we have different circumstances, duh!). Shawn and I were sick of not being able to properly track, let alone understand our finances. Plus, as a huge personal finance nerd, I had yet to find a solution that worked for me outside of tedious spreadsheets and manual ā€œback-of-the-napkinā€ Sunday check-ins. šŸ› ļø Features: Fina allows you to connect all your financial accounts in one place, organize how they are grouped, and then clean your data by categorizing transactions & setting rules. Once you have live, cleaned financial dataā€¦our simple document-style interface allows you to create custom dashboard pages and use ā€˜Notion-styleā€™ blocks as tracking scenarios to personalize your experience. If thatā€™s not simple enough, you can just ask questions in plain English and let our ai spin up insights for you. This is for anyone looking to get a handle on their finances. We started with personal finance use cases and will add support for small businesses as we grow šŸŖ„. šŸ”’ Security: We take security extremely seriously. You can read all about it here: [ Some quick highlights include: 1. We never see or store ANY financial account credentials. 2. We never sell your data to make money from advertisers. 3. We use aggregators (Plaid) with Bank-grade encryption to connect to your account & we maintain a read-only access that fetches data on demand. 4. You completely control your own data package & if you ever leave the site or delete your account itā€™s gone entirely. 5. We do not have the ability to move funds of any kind and we never access any information without your permission. ā£ļø Community: Our long-term vision for Fina is to have a robust financial data platform where community members can create their own custom tracking scenarios & templates to share with others. We feel by increasing active participation in your financial life and ease of spreading knowledge we can help to greatly improve the level of financial literacy on the planet. šŸš€ Our Story: For those curious - Shawn and I actually met online like any true match made in heaven would. We quickly realized our complementary backgrounds in finance and big data made a lot of sense to explore working together (and by explore I mean diving headfirst into building stuff after meeting for 10 minutes). Shawn is the technical wizard and mastermind behind the magic you see. I just occasionally show up to his house and help his wife & kids with their gardening, **true story*,* so that he has more time to keep building amazing things. Your early feedback means the world to us! Please comment below or reach out directly. Weā€™re here to answer any questions and add to our **hefty** list of upcoming improvements. Weā€™re working day & night to make Fina the best platform it can be and it is only possible with your help <3. Much love to all the up-and-coming financial wizards out there! (P.S. Use code: finafamily20 at checkout for a special PH discount) -Clay

This looks awsome! Pitty that there are no Europe / portugal based banks yet :( Or even just Revolut which is quite global. I believe it would also stimulate more people to try your product if right in the frontpage you include the logos of the banks/financial institutions you support and use the logos of some of the most popular ones, if I would see mine I wouldn't have hesitated to create an account (which was much faster/easier than I expected btw by logging in with my google account), but to me personally that was my biggest objection was that I just assumed you wouldn't support my financial institutions(and you don't indeed) and I felt "forced" to make an account to find out, which is a pitty btw because I see the potential of your product and wish to use it! Congratulations on the launch and everything the best!!

Congratulations on your launch to Product Hunt. I've been using Columns :) and Fina seems to be amazing for the single reporting from your multiple financial accounts. I would love to use it for sure.

Fina is very cool. I'm sure a lot of people will like it. The founder and the team behind it have proven to be very responsive and reliable, so I'm sure many people can benefit from Fina.

Absolutely beyond a doubt this app is what the future is made of. Congrats on the launch, and on building such a fantastic tool! I'm looking forward to testing it out myself for daily personal use.

congratulations on the launch. how will it help people to learn financial literacy? (other than telling them how much they spent etc). also, what's the legality behind these advises? thanks

They say you bet on the founder and in that case, youā€™d not go wrong betting on a man like Clay. Heā€™s the real deal!

Congratulations on the launch! Iā€™m extremely excited to see this project evolve. I remember talking with you a couple of years ago in our hometown about financial tracking software, how it works, and your passion for it. I can feel the same energy and enthusiasm now as I felt when talking with you about it back then. I know this product will be successful because of that same energy you and Shawn carry. Best of luck to you both and Iā€™m extremely excited for the future of Fina! Cheers fellas!

nice website. do you consider adding accounts from outside us and canada to be tracked?

Been the best app I can ask questions to instead of the usual looking at categories and budgets where I struggle. But, what excites me the most is the future possibilities of this app and where it can go! If the basic app can do so much, then the future can truly become an infinite canvas for Financial Data!

Really impressed with how simple the UI was. The layout is intuitive unlike many of the other apps I've tried. I just figured out Iā€™ve spend $389 eating out the last month... I might need to cut back. I knew it was higher than normal, but it's nice to see the actual damage. I'm curious - when I'm creating rules for my transactions, can I do a rule based on an amount? Like if it's over $xxx categorize it as "xyz". Love what you guys are building and excited to see the roadmap