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Maximize conversion rates with proactive FAQs

User Experience
Customer Communication

Your website's FAQ page at the bottom is a goldmine of information for your visitors. However 80% of visitors will lose interest before they even reach it. Answer their questions proactively to turn visitors into customers.

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Hey folks, Dave here. I'm an ex-coder at a 9-5, and now I'm sharing my entrepreneurial journey. I built a lot of websites over the years, and I realised an exciting pattern. Ever notice how visitors of your site seem to ask the same questions over and over, even though you've got a perfectly good FAQ section? Yeah, me too. Turns out, burying it at the bottom of the page is not the most effective thing in the world. This not only effects user experience, but conversion rates as well. A good FAQ section has the power to turn a sceptic into a loyal customer. So, I built this lively little widget that instead of playing hide & seek, pops up and says "Psst, got a sec? Here's what everyone else is asking." Once your curious visitors click to expand this magical widget, it will function as a little knowledge base, where they can quickly find al the answers they wanted to know about your product. If they're feeling chatty, they can even slide into your DMs right then and there. The best part? You can dress this widget up however you like. Pink polka dots? Sure! Corporate chic? You got it! It's more customizable than your coffee order at Starbucks. Let's bring your website visitors the answers they need to convert. So head to and I encourage you to have some fun and release your inner child on the widget designer. 😸

Comment highlights

Wow, that sounds absolutely amazing! The ability to quickly set up a system in no time at all without any coding skills is truly impressive. I'm so excited to explore how this technology could impact the usability of your website. This capability to achieve complex automation without any programming is undoubtedly a godsend for us non-technical users. I'm confident it will greatly enhance our work efficiency and productivity. I can't wait to experience the system firsthand and see what kind of changes and optimizations it can bring to our business. This is definitely a solution worth delving into and trying out! I'm really looking forward to seeing the impact it could have. This sounds like a game-changer that I'm eager to get my hands on.

Congratulations on the launch @david_karolyi . Brilliant idea and amazing pricing! Loved the demo video too!

I am excited about the potential to enhance customer support. The ability to respond to inquiries directly from my inbox will streamline communication and improve the user experience.

I am enthusiastic about the potential to enhance customer support. Being able to reply to inquiries directly from my inbox will streamline communication and improve user experience.

I appreciate the proactive approach of addressing visitor questions before they exit the site. It’s a smart way to enhance engagement and potentially boost conversions.

I believe the visual editor is a great addition. It simplifies the process of setting up and customizing the FAQ widget, even for those without technical skills.

I find it very helpful to allow visitors to send questions directly from the widget, as it keeps the conversation going without forcing users to leave the page.

I'm amazed at how this tool transforms FAQ content into an interactive experience, providing an excellent way to address a common questions and keep visitors engaged.

I’m impressed with the lifetime deal! It’s nice to have something that won’t require ongoing payments, especially for small businesses.

Can you choose where this shows up on the page? ie, doesnt have to be bottom right

Just signed up and I love how easy the setup is. I can’t wait to see if it actually helps increase conversions!

This sounds great, but how does it actually work in terms of integrating with my existing website? I’m worried about compatibility issues.

I’m really impressed by this concept. Proactively addressing questions could lead to much higher customer satisfaction. Congrats on bringing this to life

Great job! Helping users find answers quickly can really improve their experience. Excited to see how this changes the game for many websites.

I appreciate the customization options. Being able to tailor the look of the widget to match my website’s theme is a great touch

This is exactly what I need for my ecommerce site. I always get the same questions from customers, and this should streamline things a lot!

Great launch! It’s so frustrating when you can’t find info quickly. This is going to streamline everything for users!