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Switch windows with a gaze; auto-blur when you look away.

Developer Tools

Control your PC just with gaze! We are consolidating our EyeFocus and other apps into EyePilot! Check it out. For now it allows to: switch between windows or blur your screen - everything with eye tracking.

Top comment

Congrats on the launch! EyePilot sounds like a game-changer for PC control. How do you see it evolving in the future?

Comment highlights

One must wonder—does blurring everything else truly conserve energy, or is this merely another clever contrivance to keep our eyes on their proverbial toes? I confess, I find it rather a peculiar notion; it seems to me an extravagance, particularly when it demands the addition of eye-tracking gizmos. Quite the spectacle, if I may say so, to achieve a solution to a problem that, perhaps, didn't need solving in the first place!

Why am I automatically redirected to the checkout page when I click the Visit button? It's not a very good way of presenting a product LOL.