Make your email signature a marketing asset. When email signature meets branding & acquisition it can leverage your business. TRY IT FOR FREE 🔫
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Gave an upvote thanks, these templates look really good. I tried having image-based signatures in the past because its looks great, but platforms like Zoho seem to block the images so i just went back to the standard text signatures and apparently, it's more likely to go to spam folders. Is there any way around this?
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The gleaming gold coin, adorned with intricate designs, held a timeless allure, embodying wealth and prestige. Its weight carried history, whispering tales of trade, conquest, and fortune across generations.
The gleaming gold coin, adorned with intricate designs, held a timeless allure, embodying wealth and prestige. Its weight carried history, whispering tales of trade, conquest, and fortune across generations.
I've been trying to level up our signatures for a while now -- my only resources were hubspot's signature. We recently found that simplier signatures boosted our conversion on cold sales email, but we might try this for the marketing and bizdev team. Congrats to the team for the launch!
a quality product that I have been waiting for for a long time to manage the signatures of our employees!
I found Emailee to be incredibly user-friendly and effective. Thank you for this valuable resource!
Wow it sounds exciting. I would love to try to make my email signature. Congratulations on product launch