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An AI powered goal management app

Artificial Intelligence

Elisi is a user-friendly, cross-device All-in-one Planner to help you improve personal productivity. Our AI scans tasks, pinpoints fears, and offers tailored strategies to help you overcome them, boost confidence, and achieve your goals.

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Hello, Product Hunters! I'm Ema from the Elisi team. 👋 We all know how challenging it can be to stay focused and beat procrastination. That’s why we built Elisi! Elisi is your personal AI coach, designed to help you overcome procrastination with smart, science-backed techniques. Here’s what Elisi offers: 🎯 Personalized Support: Tailored therapy sessions that understand and address your habits. 🚀 Real-Time Feedback: Get instant tips and motivation to keep you on track. 📈 Progress Tracking: Watch your small wins add up with detailed progress reports. 🧘‍♂️ Mindfulness on the Go:Manage stress and stay focused with easy-to-follow mindfulness exercises. 📝 Actionable Steps: Break big tasks into manageable pieces, so you never feel overwhelmed. 🤖 Smart Learning: Elisi adapts to what works best for you the more you use it. 🎉 Fun Challenges: Keep your journey engaging with interactive exercises and challenges. 🌐 Community Support: Connect with others, share tips, and celebrate successes together. 🧠 Science-Backed: Everything is rooted in proven psychological methods to ensure effectiveness. Elisi isn’t just an app it’s a game-changer in your fight against procrastination. Ready to take control of your goals? Join us on ( and start your journey today! Catch you on the flip side! 🚀

Comment highlights

Congrats on the launch! Does it come in a phone app? And is it able to automatically filter the different tasks into e.g. finance, project, etc?

Congratulations to Elisi for successfully launching! Faced with OCD, there are many things to do. Can Elisi help me solve these problems? How to break the obsession? How to ensure data security?

Will use this to build! I've been struggling hitting my goals lately so hope something like this can keep me accountable!

Hi @ema_elisi , thanks for introducing Elisi! It sounds like a powerful tool for beating procrastination with its personalized support and science-backed strategies. I'm excited about the real-time feedback and progress tracking features. Looking forward to seeing how Elisi can help users stay focused and achieve their goals!

The integration of AI to track and optimize goals is impressive, making goal-setting more efficient and personalized. Great to see such innovative solutions in goal management!

Elisi's real-time feedback and progress tracking features sound like a game-changer. I'm curious, how does Elisi's AI adapt to different user behaviors over time? Would love to hear more about the algorithms behind it! @ema_elisi

I've been using Elisi for a few days now, and it's completely changed how I manage my goals. The app's AI-powered insights have helped me identify the most effective strategies to stay on track with both work and personal projects. The seamless synchronization across all my devices means I can plan and track my progress from anywhere. What I love most is how easy it is to use—I'm not usually one for productivity apps, but Elisi makes goal-setting feel intuitive and achievable.

This looks fantastic @ema_elisi! I am looking forward to trying it out! Congratulations on the launch. 🚀

Elisi’s task breakdown and progress tracking are smart features for managing big projects

Congrats on the launch of Elisi! @ema_elisi It's refreshing to see a productivity tool that goes beyond managing tasks by helping users understand and overcome their fears. Combining AI with a planner perfectly blends personal growth and productivity! Elisa could be even more impactful if it included a journaling feature where users can reflect on their progress and challenges. This could complement the AI insights and provide a more holistic approach to personal growth and productivity.

Elisi sounds like a powerful tool for enhancing productivity by not only organising tasks but also addressing barriers like fear and confidence issues.

The simple instruction made the setup a breeze, and the privacy features are a huge relief. This is exactly what I needed to stay organized across devices.