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Dot by New Computer

A living AI journal that talks back

Artificial Intelligence

Dot is the first personal AI designed to truly understand you. With its infinite long-term memory, Dot learns your preferences over time, observing both what is said and unsaid to build a rich picture of who you are. Now available for iOS.

Top comment

Dot is now a year old. Read about the impact it made on its designer's life (@jasonyuandesign) over the last year. Maybe the interactions we have with LLMs are the point?

Comment highlights

Just got Dot set up. Looking forward to seeing what suggestions they have. Will you be adding in a voice feature so Dot can speak back to me?

Cool concept. If users decide to delete some of their past history or data, what would happen?

I love Dot! The first batch of questions resulted in a very perceptive conversation! Congrats! I can't wait to see what Dot asks next.

This is amazing! Just spent 30 minutes straight talking with Dot. Excited to learn more about New Computer and I hope this product grows and thrives!

Congratulations on the launch! 👉I love the design of your landing page, which gives it a narrative feel.

I am a journal person and I always get intrigued to learn about new journal apps that are really useful. But the thing I hesitate trying apps like Dot is how secure my personal information is with apps like these. Because journals are a very private thing.

This is absolutely fantastic. I'm not a big iOS user outside of an iPad but I am genuinely interested in using this. I've been working on something in secret for a little bit and I just finished validating it today. Then this shows up on the launch feed. This is way too cool not to ask - what's the best way I can reach you guys? I absolutely love this.

Congrats on the launching! I see the great potential in Dot, looks like an awesome tool! I'd only add a little remark: I've noticed that your page is, mainly, focused on the mobile users; however, as a typical laptop user, I found Dot's webpage a bit disengaging. Other than that - truly enjoyed the product, keep it up!

Dot is the most understanding and empathetic AI Agent out there. I've been using it for a week and its amazing!

This sounds amazing! But how can it be balanced so that you don't end up in an echo chamber of yourself?

Just feel that the current version of the Dot feels extremely slimmed down from the initial launch promos last year. So in one year rather than making it better, makers have trimmed down everything from the app which I loved so now in its current version it is nothing more than a boring chatbot just like million other just with little contextual memory. It’s ability to give wrong answers or made up answers is much more frequent than many other LLM model out there.

MASSIVE upvote. Dot is game-changer. (And I *have* used a number of similar products.) I have very high confidence in the makers Sam, Jason (and Andrew!) to develop Dot into an ever more capable AI agent in the future. This is the kind of product that changes the world for the better — at least for its users.

Your product seems to be quite interesting.🔥One of the better AI companions I've come across lately, with its unique ability to understand and remember personal preferences.

The immersive and smooth design was really eye-catchy at first. It feels like Pi with a with amazing ability to understand my pictures, audios, stay up to day with the newest info, and respond with really personal and relevant contents. I like how it reflects my dailies and send me reminders of scattered to-dos. Will explore more!

Very cool! Congrats on the launch of Dot! This sounds very helpful because a personal AI that understands my preferences could help streamline my daily tasks and improve productivity. How does Dot handle evolving preferences and changing interests over time? Looking forward to seeing Dot in action!