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SDKs to build quality product onboarding and education

Developer Tools

Dopt gives developers a component library and SDKs to build seamless onboarding and education experiences in minutes. Free for companies with under 1,000 monthly users.

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Hi Product Hunt, I’m Alon, co-founder and CEO of Dopt. We’re the first developer platform for building self-serve product onboarding and feature education. We’re really excited to launch: starting today, you can sign up for free and start building with Dopt. We started Dopt because building great onboarding is hard—you don’t know where to start or what will work. It’s the most important moment in the entire user journey, and yet the existing options suck. We’re no strangers to this; we’ve led growth and product development teams at Dropbox, Amplitude, and Productboard and have spoken with hundreds of teams abandoning brittle and inflexible no-code tools to build in-house. They quickly face two challenges: a ton of upfront time spent rediscovering best practices; and a ton of hidden complexity managing user states, updating flows, and analyzing results. It takes too long to ship, you don’t iterate fast enough to learn what works, and it takes time away from new value you could be building. Rock, meet hard place. So we decided to take a different tack. Dopt is a platform that enables the entire product development team to work together to ship better experiences across the entire user journey: initial setup, onboarding, feature adoption, engagement, announcements, and more. 🔀 A visual flow builder lets the whole team map out targeting, components, content, and branching logic to create cohesive in-product user flows. 🛠️ SDKs and APIs make it easy to develop flows in your app quickly. 🎛️ Build your way — use Dopt’s prebuilt, customizable React components like checklists, tours, modals, and cards that offer best practices out of the box; or use Dopt headlessly and build with your own components. 📊 Built-in analytics give you visibility into your users and how your flows are performing to help you determine how you can improve. 🔌 Native integrations with your analytics and data stack let you target the right users and use your own tools to analyze Dopt-powered experiences alongside the rest of your product. 📈 A scalable and secure platform simplifies the team’s workflow and helps you iterate more by making it easy to deploy, migrate, and restore flow versions and letting non-devs update content and logic without code pushes. Dopt makes it easy to ship great onboarding quickly, learn what works, and iterate more often so you build the right thing and your customers realize the value your product has to offer. Over the last 18 months, we’ve been building Dopt with early customers that understand the benefits of quality—like Superhuman, who built a getting-started checklist using Dopt; or Attio, who built well-integrated product tours; or Outlign, who built a set of educational hotspots across their app. Dopt has helped them ship faster while holding high-quality bars. If you’re working to make your product self-serve, building product onboarding, or focusing on increasing activation or retention, we’d love for you to give Dopt a try (and we’d love your feedback on how we can make Dopt even better)! We’re huge fans of the Product Hunt community, so if you sign up this week and let us know you found us on Product Hunt, we’ll apply a 50% discount on your first three months of charges. We have a generous free tier (up to one thousand monthly tracked users) and super simple usage-based pricing where you only pay for users who actually use Dopt. We can’t wait to see what you build!

Comment highlights

Dopt is a platform that enables the entire product development team to work together to ship better experiences across the entire user journey: initial setup, onboarding, feature adoption, engagement, announcements, and more.

As far as I can tell, it is going to be a really useful resource. Congratulations on the launch.

Looks fantastic, this is what was missing from my tech stack. Would be adding it to my Micro-SaaS for sure 👍

Congrats on the launch Dopt team
 you've built an amazing product, It’s a great Idea and it will help to deliver a unique onboarding experience.👏 congratulations !!

@alonbartur Wow, Dopt is truly amazing! The component library and SDKs make it incredibly easy for developers like me to create seamless onboarding and education experiences in no time. Kudos to the team for the launch!

We used Pendo at my last company and we’re always frustrated by how flaky it was. Will share this with my developers!

This looks really good thanks for sharing, I will try it out. We are also launching soon a scheduling tool for Zoom check it out here

While Dopt offers a valuable service for small companies, its utility may be limited for larger enterprises due to potential scalability issues. Expanding its capacity and offering more tiered pricing options could accommodate a wider range of businesses and make the tool more flexible. Let me know if you think the same.

Looks super interesting Dopt team! What kind of customizability do you guys for making the styling feel "right at home" within the product.

Congrats on the launch @alonbartur @phil_vander_broek @joemckenney! I'm really excited about the potential of Dopt to change how companies educate their users and fundamentally change how self-serve is done today.