When researching new ideas, it can be a lot of manual work to find if something similar already exists in the market. Does It Exist is a semantic search engine, that helps you check if your idea already exists and explore variations around that idea.
While brainstorming we get a lot of ideas and trying to find out if a similar idea already exists, is a lot of work.
It involves going to multiple product directories and then going to each specific product there, and then reading their value proposition.
To simplify this, me and my brother, decided to build Does It Exist. We search our idea and receive a list of similar ideas that already exist, which saves us a lot of time.
Apart from doing just idea research, it has also become a tool to:
1. Find competitors working on similar ideas
2. Explore different solutions and perspective others are bringing in a market
3. Find products to partner with
We have around 50,000 products in our database, and are building systems to ingest more products, so we can give higher quality search.
Would love to get feedback and suggestions on how we can improve and make it useful for creators looking for their next idea.
congratulation on launching such a platform though if I may ask the one need to sign up how is it black and play
@prabhjotsl This seems like a fantastic tool for validating new ideas! Have you thought about adding a feature to track the market performance of existing ideas over time?
Does it exist will help me figure out which ideas to launch! Congrats on the Launch !
Never seen anything like this. Such a simple idea. I think this be well welcomed by startup founders.
Ahh yes You want to collect my super duper secret idea, nice try 😈🤣🤣 jk good job
Love this idea, but the results are kinda lacking. For example, I searched "AI code writer in VS Code" and expected Github Copilot and it was nowhere to be found. I'll bet this'll get better over time, so please keep going!
Quite good for innovative people to ensure the novelty of their concept... Congrats
I also have this concern, and I'm worried there are already similar products. Does It Exist can help me understand the market situation and also find some inspiration. I hope our product LinkedCRM AI can also be included.😊@prabhjotsl
I love your UI style - and it is fast too. But, I found it is not responsive on mobile. The text sometime out of the text-box.
Just played around with it a little, awesome idea and execution. Definitely useful for me and many others. Bookmarked it for future use! :)
I really like this. I always have great ideas but then turns out someone else thought of it first! One suggestion I have, that could make the site even better, would be to add an option to report a broken link or an idea that didn't quite make it to fruition. I spent 5 mins searching ideas and about 25% of the Ideas on the database sent me to a "buy this domain" or a broken link.
Pretty cool, but you could consider adding some explainer text on the "hire us" page -- it's like, whhaaat? Who dis? Why should I fill out the form, what is Craftar?
This tool is actually quite amazing. Not only because it lets you search ideas, but you can also find existing solutions to the problems you're facing. Google doesn't always offer the right solution to those queries, thanks to its preference for long-form articles or ads.
This looks great, guys! A useful tool for me as a solo founder, both for researching and for submitting my ideas 🙂
How did you work to build your database? Any sort of automated tooling?
"DIE (Does It Exist) is such a clever and memorable name for a tool that could save creators and entrepreneurs countless hours of research! Love the concept of a semantic search engine that helps validate ideas and explore variations before investing too much time and effort."