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Design Sight

The missing link between design and development

Developer Tools

Design Sight is a macOS application developed to assist mobile application developers in accurately comparing their implementations with design mockups.

Top comment

Hi 👋 there! I'm thrilled to introduce Design Sight to you all. As a solo developer, I started this project to solve a problem I was facing daily. What started out as a personal tool to save time and minimize frustration gradually grew into something that might help other mobile app developers. To continue the trip, I realized that input from real users is crucial, therefore I'm encouraging you to try it out and let me know your thoughts on what may be better. What feature would you want to have? How can it better meet your needs? Let's make this process together.

Comment highlights

A tutorial or guided tour for new users would make onboarding much smoother and faster.

It would be great to have a dark mode option for those late-night coding sessions. Any plans for that?

Adding support for different screen resolutions and aspect ratios would make this tool even more versatile.

Congratulations on creating this! Does it also help with fixing design issues after they’ve been flagged?

This looks super helpful! Will it work with all versions of Android Studio and iOS Simulator?

Wonderful effort! I love that the tool allows for precise control over UI elements, ensuring exact spacing and alignment throughout the app

This tool sounds fantastic! I am excited about the Rectangle Tool for capturing exact pixel dimensions. This will definitely make layout tweaks much easier

Congrats on your launch! I appreciate the effort to help mobile developers align their work perfectly with design mockups. The instant measurement feature sounds incredibly useful.

I'm intrigued by the idea of a tool that can bridge the gap between design and development.

Congrats on the launch! As a perfectionist myself I appreciate tools that help build better apps, so upvoted!

The Mockup comparison tool sounds useful. Can it handle multiple mockups at once, or is it limited to one comparison at a time?

The interface looks clean and user-friendly. Kudos for making a tool that can simplify such a complex process.

It might be nice to have an option for customizing the grid’s snap settings to better fit various design requirements.

Someone on my team was looking for something to help with UI arrangements, and this seems perfect. I'll definitely recommend it to them.

The tool seems very practical and user-friendly. Having the ability to compare mockups directly with the emulator preview is a huge plus.

Hello, I think the instant measurements feature is fantastic. This will definitely help in reducing revision cycles. Good luck with everything!