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Beat rejections! Practice with AI, succeed in real life.

Board Games
Artificial Intelligence

Practice real-life scenarios, get instant feedback, and level up your approach game. Whether prepping for a date or just honing your skills, it’s the fun way to turn anxiety into confidence.

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Hey everyone 👋 Navigating the dating scene has become increasingly challenging for Gen Z guys like me—especially post-COVID in our digital-first world. I've personally felt the nerves and stress, and I've seen friends struggle to express themselves despite knowing exactly what they want to say. It got me thinking: we need a way to practice and get comfortable with those first steps. That's why I built DateReady: an AI-powered conversation game where you can practice real-life dating scenarios and receive instant feedback. Think of it as training for that crucial first approach, all wrapped up in a fun and interactive game. The website features two main modes: Get Her Contact: Tackle 8 levels of unique scenarios and characters, each with their own personalities, insecurities, and dreams. After each level, you'll receive ratings on different aspects of your approach, which contribute to your XP points. You have 5 minutes per level—unlock the next one by getting the contact, or lose a life if you don't. Good luck! Get Ready: Use this practice session to test your conversation skills on various topics for a real date, with helpful tips from our wingman assistant. It's like having a friend whispering advice to improve each interaction. Each session costs you a life. I'd love for you to give it a try and share your thoughts! 😊 For the best experience, I recommend using Google Chrome. Some features like automatic voice responses and background noise control don't work as smoothly on Safari.

Comment highlights

I'm curious about the feedback system. Can users get personalized tips based on their performance in different scenarios?

A friend of mine was looking for a tool to help with dating confidence. I’m definitely going to recommend this to them

Great launch! This looks like a fun and effective way to boost confidence before a date.

I noticed that some features may not work as smoothly on Safari. It might be worth mentioning this more clearly on the site.

DateReady is an intriguing concept! Love the idea of practicing dating scenarios. Quick thought - have you considered adding different personality types or cultural backgrounds to broaden the experience? Also, curious about how you're balancing realism with keeping it a safe, learning environment. Excited to see how this evolves!

seems like a fun way to practice social skills. hope it helps people get over the awkward first approach.

the idea is brilliant, but the execution needs more refinement, the voice of the girl is not natural it's better to use API of openAI o4 that support natural and humanized interaction, also the girl should be realistic in her behavior, she should not be easy to open for a discussion, create some girls characters, harsh ones, cute ones, sarcastic ones and more. one more thing, start with texting then move to date, try to simulate all the process, you have potentiel.

Congrats on the launch @vittorio00 . This paired with Tinder or Hinge will definitely help your dating life in a digital-first world for sure! What was your tech stack to build this?

Congrats on your launch! 🥳 Stumbled upon this by accident while browsing the launches tab, and it seems very fun & interesting! Just curious though, is this available only through the website or do you have a plan to have an app in iOS/Android? 🤩

Hey Vittorio! Really love this concept, it's exactly what I needed for practicing those awkward first convos. Just curious, does it cover different types of personalities or styles in the scenarios? Cuz not all girls respond to the same approach. Would love to know more. Keep it up!

Loving DateReady, @vittorio00! This could really help people gain the confidence they need for real-life interactions. The XP points system adds a gamified twist that's bound to keep users engaged. How do you ensure the AI feedback is constructive and encouraging? Are there plans for mobile app development in the future?

Congratulations on the launch of DateReady! This innovative AI-powered tool transforms date preparation into an engaging and confidence-building experience. Will there be personalized coaching features based on user progress, and are there plans to expand scenarios to cover a wider range of social interactions?

DateReady is fantastic for anyone looking to boost their approach skills! Practicing real-life scenarios and receiving instant feedback makes the learning process not only effective but also enjoyable. Whether preparing for a date or just wanting to build confidence, it’s a fun and engaging way to transform anxiety into self-assurance. Congratulations on the launch!

Congrats on the launch! You need to learn how to walk before you can run, so why not use this to help you :) . Eager to see how this evolves.

This sounds amazing, @vittorio00! Can't wait to boost my dating skills with DateReady! 🎉💖

I dunno why but I feel more "emotion resilient" when I use technology more in my life. Which is also not good. I do not want to turn myself into a sociopath. 😅🥲 Anyway, this is a useful idea. It reminds me of this joke: 😀