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CompanyGPT 2.0

Search engine for companies and people

Artificial Intelligence

Real-time company and people discovery LinkedIn-enriched data Screen and enrich companies with unlimited searches -Live headcount & growth -Headcount by country/function -Specific industries -Exec hire Data updated every 14 days

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Hey Product Hunt! ✌️ I’m Abhilash Chowdhary, one of makers of CompanyGPT. Our mission is simple - let people build lists and enrich company data as easily as possible -- with the freshest, most accurate data possible. — Why did we build this? We realized that more and more companies and investment firms are turning to LinkedIn data for sales, GTM, marketing, and deal sourcing. However, the premium tools that LinkedIn offers aren't conducive to the actual use cases for 99% of firms. How do you enrich 10,000 companies every month? How do you match company URLs to enrich with LinkedIn data on a live basis? It's not possible. That's why we built Crustdata. To solve these problems. To make using valuable data as accessible and easy-to-use as possible. How did we go about this? We built dedicated data pipelines to pull in data directly from primary sources i.e. company website, LinkedIn and news portals. Who are we? At CompanyGPT we are a team of dedicated engineers with big tech and startup experience that have developed deep expertise in data. Who is it for and how does CompanyGPT help? 1. Sales & marketing enablement platforms (e.g. AI SDRs): powering platform with live company data for their customers 2. VCs and PE Investors : thematic deal sourcing 3. Sales and growth teams: lead identification, monitoring, and enrichment

Comment highlights

Congratulations on the launch! 🎉 This is interesting. I am Curious to know if it let one manage those leads and the channels too?

This looks really promising, @abhilash_chowdhary! The focus on LinkedIn-enriched data for real-time company discovery will definitely help teams streamline their processes. It’s great to see you addressing the limitations of existing premium LinkedIn tools.Excited to see how it evolves and impacts the industry.

Do you perhaps have a demo version? Would love to test how the whole thing works!

Looks like another tool stuffing in LinkedIn data and calling it revolutionary, yeah more data's always nice but what's new here, wouldn't it be better to focus on making the interface more intuitive, just saying less about data and more about actual usability would go a long way, don't you think

This is brilliant, especially the live headcount and growth tracking. Any plans to integrate with CRM systems like Salesforce directly, or is that something users can set up themselves?

Great concept, but isn't this just a fancy LinkedIn scraper? I've seen tools like Clearbit and ZoomInfo offering similar features, wondering how this one really stands apart, kinda feels like another data grab tbh.

Sounds interesting but how often will people really need to do 10,000 company searches a month, seems like overkill and a lot of data privacy concerns with pulling from LinkedIn, maybe focus on smaller, more targeted searches for specific industries or regions, what do you think about adding more privacy controls or user customization options

Hey, I stumbled across this on a random ad and had a look, it just seems like another tool that banks on LinkedIn data for company info, pretty skeptic about how "fresh" the data actually is, they say data gets updated every 14 days but that's a fortnight's worth of change, kinda outdated for real-time needs, wondering it'll really solve the problems they claim good luck to those using it

The ability to generate company-specific content quickly is a productivity game-changer. How customizable are the content templates to fit different industries and brand voices?

Hey Abhilash , congrats on your new product launch! Company GPT 2.0" is really amazing product suggests a more advanced, second-generation AI system designed for company-specific use cases. Its Enhanced ability to understand the context of conversations, leading to more accurate and relevant responses. If you’re looking to amplify your reach and make an impact, BlogHunch can be your go-to content marketing platform. You can create engaging blogs, send targeted newsletters, and even sell digital products—all from one place. Why BlogHunch? AI-powered blogging for seamless content creation. Newsletter automation to keep your audience engaged. Easy digital product selling to boost your revenue. Let us handle your marketing while you focus on building great products! :muscle: Ready to give it a try? Check us out:

Honestly I'm a bit skeptical about a product that claims to have all these real-time updates and LinkedIn-enriched data, I mean how accurate can that be, updating every 14 days seems a bit much and unlimited searches, is that really necessary, think there's a risk of info overload here, but keen to see if it works out in practice

Not sure about the 14-day data update thing, isn't that too slow for fast-paced industries, plus, how do you handle the privacy concerns with pulling data from LinkedIn and news sites.

Looks like a promising tool but how reliable is it really when the data is only updated every 14 days, might be useful for some but seems like a big risk for anyone needing the most up-to-date info, would love to hear others thoughts on this 💭