Coffee Commit is a GitHub tracker that correlates your coffee intake with your commits. It's just for fun to see at which hours you drink the most coffee and how it affects your commits. Completely free and easy to start, just log in.
I like the coffee analogy!)))☕☕☕ I even know who I recommend this style to from the development team) Good luck!
This tool seems like a great way to back up the idea that coffee powers good code. It's something I've always suspected, but now I can prove it!
Hahah it's hilarious!! I'm seeing this at the exactly same moment I'm drinking my first daily coffee. Guess I can also commit something to correlate both and start doing this funnier and easier. Congrats Thomas! You made my day
Interesting concept! I am also curious about my coffee drinking habits. Congrats!
Love this! Congrats on the launch.
I've always wondered what is the optimal coffee to commit ratio? After how many coffees do I start getting diminishing commit returns? Would drinking a years worth of coffee in a single day maximise my roi?
Now I can make data driven decisions