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Boeing Be Gone

Boeing-free flight search


Boeing Be Gone is a flight search website that exclusively lists flights without Boeing aircraft, designed for travelers with safety concerns about Boeing who prefer to take that risk out of the equation.

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Hi Product Hunt! I'm excited to introduce Boeing Be Gone, a flight search website exclusively listing flights without Boeing aircraft. Given recent events, I found myself apprehensive about getting on a Boeing flight and couldn't find a way to specifically avoid them using the search websites I normally go to. This led me to create an easy and simple search tool to do just that. Given this is a one-man project that was done out of curiosity and without much ambition, there are still many features to be added and things to be improved. My main goal for sharing is to get the word out there and gain a better understanding from the PH community. I’m looking forward to your feedback and am here to answer any questions. Safe travels!

Comment highlights

Absolutely love this :D I spent last Sunday stuck on an old Boeing, and I was so afraid, so this seems a fun way to book future flights. Thanks :D

Congrats on the launch! To be honest, I never really knew about the issues with Boeing as I don't travel via planes much. But Boeing Be Gone is helpful for someone who is aware of this and prioritizes safety over anything. Great work!

Works about as well as Boeing's door on their 737 max: "Error fetching flight listings" 😏 I couldn't resist memeing a bit, but you might want to take a look at that. I used the same pickup/dropoff date which maybe caused this

What a fantastic idea! Boeing Be Gone provides a much-needed solution for travelers who prioritize safety and want to make informed decisions about their flights. This platform empowers users with the ability to choose flights without Boeing aircraft, offering peace of mind and control over their travel experiences. Kudos to the team for creating a valuable resource for all safety-conscious travelers out there!

LOL tried searching for flights without Boeing and ended up with a list of bike rentals. Guess it really wants me to stay grounded :D

Great idea! But I’ve despairingly found that Boeing is hard to avoid in my city. If I remember correctly, the only problematic series is the 737 Max, which has been redesigned. Still, who can predict danger? Go with Airbus; Airbus is the best!

I usually don't travell too much but it’s great for those of us who prefer to avoid certain aircraft types.

I asked it for the meaning of life, and it replied with '42' in milliseconds! This AI's got jokes! hehehe BTW good product

I am definitely going to use this for my travel plans, and it'll be really helpful to see flights without Boeing aircraft options.

Great idea! I would suggest to categorize origin and destination by country and display the airports. Tried few searches here and they returned 0 results because the origin/destination weren't recognised.

Congrats on the launch! This looks incredibly political, but why not. Looking forward to seeing how this evolves! Cheers!

it made it easy for me to discover my flight. This has a potential to be an impressive product when launched

Was waiting for someone to build this omg! NEAT! We needed this so much. Fk boeing

ahaha, hilarious, simple and genius idea at the same time! 🐐🐐🐐😂congratz on launch!!

Lol this is genius. I run the Product Hunt Twitter and am Head of Growth here. Just tweeted out a link! Great work.