BlogToPin helps you convert hundreds of blog posts on your site to beautiful Pinterest Pins. Use built-in templates and beautiful color palettes to smart schedule Pins to your website. BlogToPin also makes sure they don't look spammy And much, much more!
Hey, Hunters 👋
One year ago I started a little blog about cocktails and immediately faced a problem
Where do I get traffic?
I tried a lot of different stuff:
🟥 TikTok, YT, Instagram - never took off despite a lot of efforts and dedicated VA
🟥 SEO - at first worked like a charm. After that - a Google Update and I lost 95% of the traffic overnight
🟩 Pinterest - worked the best🪄
So what’s so good about Pinterest?
💸 517M MAU with intention to pay
🕔 Similar to Google. You post once, and it can rank forever
🔝 Competition is much smaller. You can rank even on the harders keywords
Despite Pinterest working very well for me, I had to work with VA who:
🖼 Gathered all the images
✏️ Came up with text/description
📑 Placed them in a correct board
🔮 Wrapped them in beautiful templates
At one point I understand I’m just wasting a lot of money because ALL OF IT can be automated. That’s how I created BlogToPin.
With BlogToPin you can:
📃 Submit your website, choose the pages for which to generate pins
✨ Choose the templates/colors/fonts you like
⚙️ Maybe tweak some minor settings
In the end, you can have hundreds of Pins scheduled for you. 1 month in advance. It literally takes ~5-10mins and you’re set up for a month
BlogToPin takes care of:
🧠 Making sure there are no duplicates
💫 Making sure the content is as unique as possible
📍 Choosing a correct board to Pin to
🕔 Correctly scheduling Pins at the best time
The best part - when you set everything up, a new iteration of Pins would be created for you every month which you just need to approve. All automated
So if you want to give Pinterest a try or automate existing Pinterest marketing - give BlogToPin a try!
Been using blogtopin every day! It's an essential Pinterest tool for seo agencies and marketers!
Congrats on the launch! As a Pinterest user this seems has a lots of potential and really interesting to use.
I hope you will keep going to build BlogToPin. Once again congrats for the launch!
It's amazing to see BlogToPin in action! Can't wait to use it for Pinterest and save so much time. Congrats on the launch!
Thanks to BlogToPin, my Pins no longer appear spammy. The tool maintains the integrity of my content while promoting it effectively on Pinterest.
I've been meaning to add content to more social media channels, but finding the time and energy is super hard 🙈 BlogToPin virtually eliminates the hassle for Pinterest by automating content which is crazy valuable 💎 Congrats on the launch!
Hey Nic! It looks amazing, man!
Especially the feature to schedule pins and let it run on autopilot.
the potential is incredible 😲
Congratulations on your launch Nic!
I'm considering Pinterest as a future platform and have bookmarked this tool to try later.
Congrats Nic.. currently using BlogtoPin and highly recommend.. great product 🔥🔥
Hold up, I really wanted to love Blogtopin, but it missed the mark for me. The topic suggestions felt generic and didn’t spark my creativity. It definitely needs better customization for the AI-generated outlines and more advanced keyword analysis to really stand out. Sorry, but it’s not the magic wand I was hoping for.