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Email template builder

Email Marketing

Use the Blocfree Email Template Builder to create, share, and publish your email templates effortlessly to your preferred email marketing platform

Top comment

Awesome project team! Super useful. I'll definitely be checking out a bunch of these templates.

Comment highlights

Very nice of applicaton new project Many people want to learn useful marketing, some product brands can do market lessons congratulation of new launching application

I’ve tried similar tools, but the ability to publish templates easily is a big plus here.

i might just speed all day creating fancy email templates now someone save me from myself! This editor is dangerously fun.

The ease of publishing across different platform is a standout feature. Makes email marketing feels a lot less overwhelming.

This will make our email campaigns so much easier. Passing it along to my team now!

congrats on the launch! 🚀 this looks super promising. FYI I wasn't able to log in unfortunately, I'm getting an infinite loading spinner on your Google CTA in your /sign-in page while trying to continue with Google auth.

Looks like a really useful tool. Haven't had a chance to dive deep, but loving the templates so far. Awesome work and congrats!

This tool looks perfect for customizing email campaigns. Does it support any advanced design features?

How does Blocfree ensure that its email templates maintain consistency and compatibility across different email marketing platforms? What customization features are available for users, and does it support dynamic content? Are there plans for Blocfree to integrate with other tools or platforms to enhance its functionality? Does Blocfree offer industry-specific template suggestions or presets? How does user feedback influence the future development of Blocfree’s features?

Congratulations! The drag-and-drop interface seems incredibly user-friendly. I'm curious to know how Blocfree handles A/B testing and analytics. Tracking the performance of varying email templates would be a valuable feature for any marketer. I'm looking forward to exploring Blocfree further.