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Search ideas within PDFs


Fully local, free and smart PDF search engine. I want something better than Preview but for the same price: free. I built this to aid me with my assignments, turns out lawyers, doctors, researchers and all kinds of people can benefit. So, I published it, enjoy

Top comment

Hey, I get nothing from people downloading this app. It's my form of charity. I will continue making the app performant. I spent quite some time tweaking performance, have a custom vectordb and tokenizer to avoid library bloat.

Comment highlights

This looks like an actual lifesaver, the amount of 50+ page PDF documents I have to search through on a daily basis is maddening.

Very innovative idea to include search engine in will be very helpful for us.

BeyondPDF's collaborative editing features for PDFs are intriguing! Can users annotate, comment, and track changes within the platform? This could be a game-changer for teams working on documents together. However, ensuring document security and access control during collaboration is crucial.

BeyondPDF, can you help with this? Extracting specific data from PDFs can be a tedious process. Does BeyondPDF offer any functionalities for data extraction or integration with data analysis tools? This would streamline my workflow significantly.

BeyondPDF seems like a versatile tool! The ability to edit PDFs offline is a major plus for situations with limited internet connectivity. Does BeyondPDF integrate with cloud storage platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox? Seamless syncing between devices and cloud storage would be a valuable feature

Who can say this is not a great idea!!This is the only product that attracted me as soon as I saw the introduction. Thank you and your team for developing such an excellent product🚀🚀🚀

Thanks for making this available to everyone! This looks great! Excited to try it out!

I respect it very much that you bootstraped. How much time and money did it take you? Catch my upvote, by the way

Fantastic initiative! How does your PDF search engine handle different document complexities, and what makes it smarter than other similar tools available?

Wow! That is going to be super useful in research and analysis. Congratulations on your launch

Ugh! As a student this looks Godsent. Such a nice innovative idea to include search engines in PDF. Love this!